AP Chapter 12
King Cotton and Southern Expansion Cotton gin Cotton gin Black belt Black belt Alabama fever Alabama fever Indian Removal Indian Removal Demand for slaves Demand for slaves
International views on slavery GB bans slavery in 1807 GB bans slavery in 1807 US bans importation of slaves in 1808 US bans importation of slaves in 1808
Internal slave trade Importance of the internal slave Importance of the internal slave Sold down the river Sold down the river coffles coffles
Economics of slavery Connection to British textile industry Connection to British textile industry Oil of today? Oil of today? Connections to northern industry Connections to northern industry Shipping Shipping Insurance Insurance Banking Banking
Cotton Culture Neglect of cities Neglect of cities Little industry Little industry Few RR Few RR
American Slave System 4 million slaves by million slaves by % lived in groups of 10 or more 75% lived in groups of 10 or more Natural increase Natural increase
Slave Life Paternalism – “cradle to grave” Paternalism – “cradle to grave” Field hands Field hands House servants House servants Artisans and skilled workers Artisans and skilled workers
Slave families
Religion Spirituals Spirituals Christianity discouraged Christianity discouraged
Resistance / Revolts Stono Rebellion Stono Rebellion Nat Turner Nat Turner Upper vs. lower south Upper vs. lower south Underground railroad Underground railroad
Free Blacks Manumission vs. emancipation Manumission vs. emancipation Black codes Black codes Options for men/women Options for men/women
Poor whites Independent, family sized farms Independent, family sized farms White skin privilege White skin privilege
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The Planter elite Inherited wealth Inherited wealth Out of touch? Out of touch? Paternalism Paternalism Roles of women Roles of women
Defense of slavery Bible Bible Greece Greece Rome Rome Constitution Constitution
Abolition Movement W.L. Garrison W.L. Garrison Gag rule Gag rule Grimke sisters Grimke sisters