Mali By Ms. Lau The Country Typical Food Food Costs Works Consulted
Country description Large landlocked country in Western Africa On edge of Sahara Desert Population - 12 million One of the poorest countries in world
Food Shortages Very little fertile land Long droughts BUT farming and livestock is main source of food Niger River, in the south, floods and leaves rich soil
Food Costs in Mali Almost 50% of the Mali diet is spent on Grain Families in Great Britain spend more than 20X on food than in Mali
Typical Food One week for a family: $26.39 US Corn, rice, wheat Vegetables Little protein, just dried fish
Works Consulted "Empires of the Western Sudan: Mali Empire." Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art. 25 Mar "Mali." Reviewed by Patrick Manning and Patrick Manning. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Grolier Online. 25 Mar