Presented By: Grace M. Blomstedt
Author: Blue Balliett Girl Wrote the international bestseller Chasing Vermeer Grew up in Manhattan Age 8: wanted to be a writer Enjoyed Metropolitan Museum of Art & Frick Museum This book hasn’t won in any awards
M AIN C HARACTERS Petra- Smart, brainy girl Tommy- Moved back to Chicago Calder- Tries to make everyone get along They all end up being friends
Three kids try to save a house Bad guys try to stop them
Tommy moved back to Chicago. The famous Robie House was about to be torn down. Petra, Calder, and Tommy try to save it, but before they can they have to learn how to get along. Tommy doesn’t trust Petra. They broke into the house and they got caught!
It’s an exciting mystery You never know what’s about to happen The author, Blue Balliet writes Page Turners