Mobility Inventory Control Accountability System 38th Chem Detachment MICAS Mobility Inventory Control Accountability System SSG Bradford SGT Woo
Mobility Inventory Control Accountability System US Army Mobility Inventory Control Accountability System MICAS is an automated system used to track shelf-life serviceability and inventory of Individual Protective Equipment (IPE). It has a centralized management of assets using distributed databases with a centralized reporting capability, providing for increased data accuracies, and improved efficiencies in asset visibility and shelf-life management. MICAS tracks and maintains the shelf-life serviceability and status of eleven Chemical Defense Equipment Go-To-War items, notifying users when items are expired or unserviceable. By MICAS maintaining the shelf-life data for IPE assets, the Army can be sure to issue each soldier serviceable equipment, whereas before it was unsure whether issued equipment was serviceable. The main functions of MICAS include receiving, inspecting, storing, issuing, shipping, and tracking IPE. All assets are tracked by National Stock Number (NSN). The contract number, lot number, manufacture date, and expiration date of each asset is also stored. MICAS WEB site : (In Addition) MICAS is used to be “Window based” program which needed to be installed, but now it changed to “The Internet based”. It’s more accessible and easy to fix the bugs on system and easy to contact with administers of MICAS. MICAS cooperates with J.A.C.K.S (Joint Acquisition of CBRN Knowledge System) and updates its own database within every 24 hours. And MICAS can also provide you certain forms for reporting, such as “CDE report” of your unit.
1. Register to MICAS
[Register to MICAS] Here is the very first page when you access to You can login MICAS both with AKO, or CAC. When you click “AKO Login” and type in your AKO Account which is not registered yet, you are automatically moved to a web-page for registeration. If you are fail to input your ID or Password for 3 times, MICAS will block your IP address for 20 mins.
You can see the MICAS Web Acceptable Use Policy when you input your AKO Account which is not registered yet.
If you didn’t register to MICAS yet, this screen is going to be shown.
1 1. Fill every information for registration, and click “Submit access request” icon. 2. For example of “Requesting reason” part sentence : To operate CBRN Room in 38th Chemical Detachment, STB-K, 8th Army, S. Korea. 2
Here is the MICAS homepage, after you could login to MICAS web site. 2 3 1 Here is the MICAS homepage, after you could login to MICAS web site. Announcements : Whenever MICAS system is updated, it’s going to be shown up on this board. Nowadays, MICAS keeps updating its database and function, and also conducting debug. Therefore, please keep eyes on the announcements board whenever you log in. Training Mode : You can start in training mode by click this icon. In training mode, every stuff looks just same as the live mode, but every input data is not going to be saved in your actual database. Tutorial Mode : Tutorial mode provides you flash movies about how to use MICAS system.
2. Training Mode Now, we are going to talk about the Training mode.
When you see the right side of MICAS-Web home, you can see the icon which says “Begin Training”. After you click this icon, the background picture is going to be changed to “Training Mode”, and you can train yourself within protection of data.
Now you can see the background of MICAS is changed to “Training Mode” Now you can see the background of MICAS is changed to “Training Mode”. From now on, every data which you put in MICAS is not going to be saved as actual. If you want to change mode to “Live”, click “Live Mode” icon.
3. Register Local Personnel Now, we’re going to talk about how to register local personnel in your database.
From the main page, go to [Stock – Local Administration – Local Personnel].
On the bottom of the web-page, you can see the personnel who are already in your site. To add new personnel, click [Add personnel] icon on your right side.
Here is a pop-up information for registering personnel. Input required information. Only AKO ID, and Brach portion are required, and you can put specific PLT name in “Unit name” portion. (ex. 1st PLT) You can put actual name of personnel instead of AKO account name. Find out the most efficient way to sort personnel in your unit. (ex. Woo, Do Hyun or SGT Woo, Do Hyun)
Here is an example about requesting information.
You can double check the personnel on the list. 1 You can double check the personnel on the list. If you want to edit or delete personnel from the list, select from your left side. 2
4. Receive Items (Manual Receive) Now we’re going through how to receive items.
[Receive Items] Go to [Stock – Receive]
[Receive Items (Cont.)] If you have Excel data from old version of MICAS, you can use “Import Stock”. If you have pre-printed barcode from MICAS & barcode reader, you can use “ Scan to Receive”. The other case, you need to click “Manual Receive”.
[Receive Items (Cont.)] 1 2 [Receive Items (Cont.)] By changing filter, you can search an item by its Last 4, or nomenclature name. Type in Last 4 (or Nomenclature), and click “Find”
On the following screen, type in a contract No. for your items On the following screen, type in a contract No. for your items. You can use “search” function which is on the right side of contract No., but I don’t recommend to do that. (Because when you click it, you must have valuable Lot No. in MICAS database. If your Lot No. is not exist in MICAS database, you have to go back to the Home, and start again.)
Click “Search” Icon to find out your Lot No Click “Search” Icon to find out your Lot No. that matches with your Contract No. After this action, MICAS data base will automatically find out items’ DOM, and DOE. If your Lot No. does not exist on the database, please type in Lot No., DOM, and DOE manually.
1 2 3 Here is the example for a pop-up menu when you click “Search” icon on Lot No. Type in your Lot No. You can see a certain data which is automatically highlighted on a list. After you confirm that highlighted data is exactly match with your items, click “Submit” icon. Because of designing problem, “Submit” icon just looks a little square now.
Input quantity of your items. 1 2 Input quantity of your items. Select your location. If this is the first time you choose a shelf location, Click “add” to add a new warehouse location.
Here is the pop-up menu when you click “add”. Type in your shelf location name and click “OK”. You can make as many as shelf location which your unit has. (ex. B Co. CBRN Room, C Co., ….)
Click “Continue” to process.
You can double check information of your items You can double check information of your items. After you check it, click “Process Items”.
** For Instructors Only ** This is one of back door that you can edit every information about your items. You can even change Condition Code of your items in here.
4. Receive Items (Excel Spread Sheet) Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Now we’re going through how to receive items.
Mandatory Information : NSN Contract No. LOT No. DOM (Date of Manufactured) Shelf Location Qty