Strongholds in Times of Trouble
Christians can live happy lives in a disobedient world. We live in a world that rejects the message of Christ. We might not suffer physically, but Satan seeks to attack our minds with little things... Peter wrote to Christians who were trying to live faithfully in a hostile, pagan society.
It existed in the form of slander. It existed in the form of riots. It existed through local government action. It existed through social isolation. Persecution took place in different forms.
Peter urged them to rejoice and live above such reproach. Even though you are suffering Peter says…don’t worry you can still be happy…The reason that he passed this to them and to each and everyone one this morning is this:
“Three precious strongholds” “Three precious strongholds” for the suffering Christian. Not only for those of his day but for every Christian of any time that continues to suffer for the sake of Christ.
Why is our faith precious? The word precious is one of the great words that describes faith. Peter says our faith is made precious because it endures the refining process. Gold, when in the wrought state, was melted down to remove all impurities. THE PRECIOUS FAITH 1 Peter 1:6, 7
Through our trials, the impurities of our lives will come to surface so that they may be removed. The key is found in our endurance of the trials. Trials produce spiritual endurance as jogging produces physical endurance. James 1:2, 3 Trials, if endured, produce rewards. James 5:8-11
1 John 5:4 1 Thessalonians 3:7, 8 The more a rechargeable battery is used the longer it will last. How can we, through our precious faith, endure trials?
Be aware of the enemy. Realize Satan is after you. Be alert for the traps that are carefully hidden. Be aware of your allies. We have Christian brothers and sisters. Let us pray for one another. Be aware of your Source of strength. God will always help us. Be prayerful.
THE PRECIOUS CHRIST 1 Peter 2:4-8 Peter says, when you find yourself in time of trouble think that we have a precious Christ, we have something that the majorities does not have now days. We have Christ who is PRECIOUS! Christ was rejected just as they were being rejected.
Jesus is the Christian’s solid foundation… In verse 6 Peter says: 6 Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, "Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame." And that’s you and I brother we will be not put to shame by anybody if we hold fast the “preciousness of our Lord Jesus and if we keep him as our solid foundation.
1 Corinthians 3:11 We are a spiritual house built by Christ. Christ is the only sensible foundation that we the Christians have and we don’t want to have any other! Luke 6:46-49 Men can make only two responses to Jesus. We can build on Him. Only when we build our house of life on Christ will it withstand the storms of life. We can stumble over Him. We can reject Christ. We can use Jesus as an excuse.
How can we use Jesus as our precious foundation in times of trouble? Go back to the teachings of Jesus. Study the Word. Learn how Jesus dealt with problems. Begin to build your house carefully.
A PRECIOUS BLOOD 1 Peter 1:13-19 We were bought at a very high cost. (Acts 20:28) It is impossible to comprehend Jesus’ love. His death and blood bought us from Satan.
The blood of Christ is central to the Christian. Twenty-one of the twenty-seven books tell nothing of Jesus’ life and personal sayings. They only emphasize His death and resurrection.
Of the 5,000 pages of Nicolay and Hay’s biography of Abraham Lincoln only 25 deal with his death. One-fourth of Luke deals with Jesus’ death. One-half of John deals with the last twenty-four hours of Jesus’ life.
Joe Barnett says the significance of the blood can be summed up with four great words: justifies, redeems, reconciles, cleanses. These words suggest the blessings that the blood brings us. The precious blood justifies
Romans 5:9… “ 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Jesus paid our debt. He died in our place. The precious blood redeems
Ephesians 1:7 Ephesians 1:7… “ 7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace We were slaves to sin. Jesus paid our ransom
The precious blood reconciles Ephesians 2:13 Sin separated us from God. Jesus bridged the gap. The precious blood cleanses Matthew 20:28
Our lives were stained with sin but the blood washed us clean Isaiah 1:18… “ 18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the L ORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. Could we refuse such a cleansing? 1 John 1:7
The blessings answer the great needs of the soul. We are of great worth to God so Jesus died that we may live.
The precious blood is a stronghold to the Christian in times of trouble. It causes him to see his value to God. It causes him to see Jesus. Suffering and his own benefits from it. How do we apply it to our lives?
Gospel Obedience Free us from Guilt. Walking in the light keeps us clean.
Therefore, we must lean on those precious strongholds given by God to comfort us in our affliction. If you received the tragic message that a loved one had died would you have the precious strongholds to lean on?
Conclusion: Have you built on Christ or stumbled over Him? Let us remember those priceless gifts we have in Jesus. Let us hold firm to the precious faith, Christ, and blood.
The precious gifts are free to all. The precious Christ came. His precious blood was shed so we all might have the precious faith. Won’t you take advantage of these strongholds now? Take hold of these strongholds by surrendering to the word of salvation. Today is the day of salvation.
Hear the Gospel of Jesus…You have done that this morning! Believe in the Gospel…It is up to you to believe or not. Repent of your sins… Which ones? The ones who are separating you from obeying Christ. Confess Jesus as the Son of God. Be baptized in Water for the remission of your sins… Live a faithful life until death and Christ will give you the rewards that he had promise…