Optimizing MapReduce for GPUs with Effective Shared Memory Usage Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Ohio State University Linchuan Chen and Gagan Agrawal
Outline Introduction Background System Design Experiment Results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work
Introduction Motivations GPUs Suitable for extreme-scale computing Cost-effective and Power-efficient MapReduce Programming Model Emerged with the development of Data-Intensive Computing GPUs have been proved to be suitable for implementing MapReduce Utilizing the fast but small shared memory for MapReduce is chanllenging Storing (Key, Value) pairs leads to high memory overhead, prohibiting the use of shared memory
Introduction Our approach Reduction-based method Reduce the (key, value) pair to the reduction object immediately after it is generated by the map function Very suitable for reduction-intensive applications A general and efficient MapReduce framework Dynamic memory allocation within a reduction object Maintaining a memory hierarchy Multi-group mechanism Overflow handling
Outline Introduction Background System Design Experiment Results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work
MapReduce K1: v, v, v, vK2:vK3:v, vK4:v, v, vK5:v M M Group by Key K1:v k1:v k2:vK1:vK3:v k4:vK4:v k5:vK4:vK1:v k3:v M M M M M M M M M M M M M M R R R R R R R R R R
MapReduce Programming Model Map() Generates a large number of (key, value) pairs Reduce() Merges the values associated with the same key Efficient Runtime System Parallelization Concurrency Control Resource Management Fault Tolerance … …
GPUs Host Kern el 1 Kern el 2 Device Grid 1 Block (0, 0) Block (1, 0) Block (2, 0) Block (0, 1) Block (1, 1) Block (2, 1) Grid 2 Block (1, 1) Thread (0, 1) Thread (1, 1) Thread (2, 1) Thread (3, 1) Thread (4, 1) Thread (0, 2) Thread (1, 2) Thread (2, 2) Thread (3, 2) Thread (4, 2) Thread (0, 0) Thread (1, 0) Thread (2, 0) Thread (3, 0) Thread (4, 0) (Device) Grid Constant Memory Texture Memory Device Memory Block (0, 0) Shared Memory Local Memor y Thread (0, 0) Register s Local Memor y Thread (1, 0) Register s Block (1, 0) Shared Memory Local Memor y Thread (0, 0) Register s Local Memor y Thread (1, 0) Register s Host Processing ComponentMemory Component
Outline Introduction Background System Design Experiment Results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work
Traditional MapReduce map(input) { (key, value) = process(input); emit(key, value); } grouping the key-value pairs (by runtime system) reduce(key, iterator) { for each value in iterator result = operation(result, value); emit(key, result); } System Design
Reduction-based approach map(input, reduction_object) { (key, value) = process(input); reduction_object->insert(key, value); } reduce(value1, value2) { value1 = operation(value1, value2); } Reduces the memory overhead of storing key-value pairs Makes it possible to effectively utilize shared memory on a GPU Eliminates the need of grouping Especially suitable for reduction-intensive applications System Design
Chanllenges Result collection and overflow handling Maintain a memory hierarchy Trade off space requirement and locking overhead A multi-group scheme To keep the framework general and efficient A well defined data structure for the reduction object
Memory Hierarchy CPU GPU Reduction Object 0 Reduction Object 1 Block 0’s Shared Memory Reduction Object 0 Reduction Object 1 Block 0’s Shared Memory … Device Memory Reduction Object Result Array Host Memory Device Memory
Reduction Object Updating the reduction object Use locks to synchronize Memory allocation in reduction object Dynamic memory allocation Multiple offsets in device memory reduction object
Reduction Object KeyIdx[0]ValIdx[0] … Key SizeVal Size Key Data Val Data Memory Allocator Key SizeVal Size Key Data KeyIdx[1] ValIdx[1]
Multi-group Scheme Locks are used for synchronization Large number of threads in each thread block Lead to severe contention on the shared memory RO One solution: full replication every thread owns a shared memory RO leads to memory overhead and combination overhead Trade-off multi-group scheme divide threads in each thread block into multiple sub-groups each sub-group owns a shared memory RO Choice of groups numbers Contention overhead Combination overhead
Overflow Handling Swapping Merge the full shared memory ROs to the device memory RO Empty the full shared memory ROs In-object sorting Sort the buckets in the reduction object and delete the unuseful data Users define the way of comparing two buckets
Discussion Reduction-intensive applications Our framework has a big advantage Applications with few or no reduction No need to use shared memory Users need to setup system parameters Develop auto-tuning techniques in future work
Extension for Multi-GPU Shared memory usage can speed up single node execution Potentially benefits the overall performance Reduction objects can avoid global shuffling overhead Can also reduce communication overhead
Outline Introduction Background System Design Experiment Results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work
Experiment Results Applications used 5 reduction-intensive 2 map computation-intensive Tested with small, medium and large datasets Evaluation of the multi-group scheme 1, 2, 4 groups Comparison with other implementations Sequential implementations MapCG Ji et al.'s work Evaluating the swapping mechanism Test with large number of distinct keys
Evaluation of the Multi-group Scheme
Comparison with Sequential Implementations
Comparison with MapCG With reduction-intensive applications
Comparison with MapCG With other applications
Comparison with Ji et al.'s work
Evaluation of the Swapping Mechamism VS MapCG and Ji et al.’s work
Evaluation of the Swapping Mechamism VS MapCG
Evaluation of the Swapping Mechamism swap_frequency = num_swaps / num_tasks
Outline Introduction Background System Design Experiment Results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work
Related Work MapReduce for multi-core systems Phoenix, Phoenix Rebirth MapReduce on GPUs Mars, MapCG MapReduce-like framework on GPUs for SVM Catanzaro et al. MapReduce in heterogeneous environments MITHRA, IDAV Utilizing shared memory of GPUs for specific applications Nyland et al., Gutierrez et al. Compiler optimizations for utilizing shared memory Baskaran et al. (PPoPP '08), Moazeni et al. (SASP '09)
Conclusions and Future Work Reduction-based MapReduce Storing the reduction object on the memory hierarchy of the GPU A multi-group scheme Improved performance compared with previous implementations Future work: extend our framework to support new architectures
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