Kim Lewers, USDA-Agricultural Research Service Beltsville, Maryland
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’ PlasticulturePlasticulture
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’ Anthracnose-resistantAnthracnose-resistant
Plugs are made from end of June to 4 July. Plugs are planted in the field the first half of August. The field is fertigated with ~12lbs/A of nitrogen after one week, every week to 3rd week of September, to a total of ~75 lbs/A. The beds are covered with straw mid-December to mid- March.
Influence of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium on the Severity of Strawberry Anthracnose Crown Rot B.J. Smith United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Southern Horticultural Laboratory, Small Fruit Research Unit Poplarville, MS USA Seven (7) nitrogen sources at three (3) rates: Higher N rates led to more anthracnose. Among plants getting higher N rates, those treated with Ca(NO 3 ) 2 were the most disease tolerant. Plants treated with nitrate nitrogen sources, including NH 4 NO 3, had less severe anthracnose symptoms than plants receiving nitrogen from other ammonium sources. Take-home: Nitrate forms mean less anthracnose than ammonium forms.
Frost protection is a combination of misters at 34F and Rainbirds at 32.1F. The field is fertigated with ~5lbs/A of nitrogen per week in April, to between lbs/A. Plots are harvested twice weekly from mid-May through mid-June. Rotation is ‘Essex’ rape - strawberry – corn or sudex – soybeans, with rye-vetch winter covers.
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’
Marketable yield is calculated by harvesting the good fruit and rotten fruit into two buckets and weighing them separately. Total yield at 17,000 plants/A Postharvest yield measured at 1 and 2 weeks USDA-ARS Strawberry replicated evaluation data, Annual plasticulture production system. Total yieldMarketable yield Post-harvest yield (Lbs/A) Berry size (g/berry) Genotype Lbs/A% 1 wk2 wks LargeAverage B170257,795a5632,298abcd25,59510, B178844,979b8638,672a31,04417, B175344,349bc6930,433abcde23,74415, B1463 L43,762bcd8637,446ab32,72822, B175442,247bcde8033,889abc24,68014, Flavorfest41,747bcde8234,382abc30,32813, B146340,080bcdef8433,838abc29,46720, B145840,025bcdef8533,824abc27,93414, Eros38,422bcdef7127,216cdefgh21,57515, B191536,912cdefg9334,329abc31,76724, B158036,062defg8831,556abcde28,27519, B207935,820efgh8530,323abcde26,36113, Allstar33,149fghi8126,996cdefgh24,71617, Average33, ,89022,63414,44417 B181830,631ghij8726,633cdefghi20,46415, B161030,569ghij8726,500cdefghi21,89714, Northeaster30,265ghij9428,335cdefg26,59116, B182829,645ghijk8625,353defghij18,42710, B138428,205hijk8223,254efghijk16,3192, B180627,025ijkl7520,332ghijk16,82612, B180526,917ijkl7921,168ghijk20,48117, B182024,311jkl8119,697hijkl15,91810, Ovation24,189jkl9021,874fghijk21,29218, B206822,083klm9220,207ghijk18,83415, B169021,935klm8117,692jkl13,50210, Earliglow20,307lm9018,356ijkl16,80013, B159020,200lm8116,275kl12,9179, B206616,001m7512,031l 9,6926,
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’
Average berry size is the average of all those averages. The average berry size for each harvest was recorded. Large berry size is the largest of those averages. USDA-ARS Strawberry replicated evaluation data, Annual plasticulture production system. Total yieldMarketable yield Post-harvest yield (Lbs/A) Berry size (g/berry) Genotype Lbs/A% 1 wk2 wks LargeAverage B170257,795a5632,298abcd25,59510, B178844,979b8638,672a31,04417, B175344,349bc6930,433abcde23,74415, B1463 L43,762bcd8637,446ab32,72822, B175442,247bcde8033,889abc24,68014, Flavorfest41,747bcde8234,382abc30,32813, B146340,080bcdef8433,838abc29,46720, B145840,025bcdef8533,824abc27,93414, Eros38,422bcdef7127,216cdefgh21,57515, B191536,912cdefg9334,329abc31,76724, B158036,062defg8831,556abcde28,27519, B207935,820efgh8530,323abcde26,36113, Allstar33,149fghi8126,996cdefgh24,71617, Average33, ,89022,63414,44417 B181830,631ghij8726,633cdefghi20,46415, B161030,569ghij8726,500cdefghi21,89714, Northeaster30,265ghij9428,335cdefg26,59116, B182829,645ghijk8625,353defghij18,42710, B138428,205hijk8223,254efghijk16,3192, B180627,025ijkl7520,332ghijk16,82612, B180526,917ijkl7921,168ghijk20,48117, B182024,311jkl8119,697hijkl15,91810, Ovation24,189jkl9021,874fghijk21,29218, B206822,083klm9220,207ghijk18,83415, B169021,935klm8117,692jkl13,50210, Earliglow20,307lm9018,356ijkl16,80013, B159020,200lm8116,275kl12,9179, B206616,001m7512,031l 9,6926,
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’
2 weeks postharvest
Multi-year averages of subjective ratings from plasticulture-grown fruit 1-9 scale: 8.0= Going to the State Fair! 7.5= Call my neighbor! 7.0= Looking Good! 6.5= Better watch this 6.0= Call my extension agent
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’
‘Flavorfest’ Great flavor Great flavor Large firm berries – up to 49g Large firm berries – up to 49g High yield – up to 41,747 lb/A High yield – up to 41,747 lb/A Low field rot Low field rot Anthracnose resistant – C.a. Anthracnose resistant – C.a. Red stele resistant – Race 3 Red stele resistant – Race 3 Plasticulture or matted row- Plasticulture or matted row- establishes well establishes well
2004 matted row yield lbs/A ‘Earliglow’16,485 ‘Flavorfest16,390 ‘Allstar’14,232
To buy plants contact your favorite nursery or or ‘Flavorfest’
‘Earliglow’‘Allstar’‘Ovation’ ‘Flavorfest’ Not-patentedNot-patented