THE LETTER Written by “Simeon (Simon) Peter, a servant & apostle of Jesus Christ” Calls this his “second letter” (3:1), referring to 1 Peter Expects to die soon (1:14) so writes to give final instructions Readers not specifically identified (1:1). Seems to be general Chapter 2 is very similar to Letter of Jude
PURPOSES Remind readers of eye-witness testimony re Jesus (chap. 1) Warn against false teachers (chap. 2). Maybe Gnostics?? Encourage spiritual growth in the grace & knowledge of Jesus (chap. 3)
THEMES Chapter 1: Eye-witness testimony guards against spiritual deception Each of us is responsible for our own spiritual growth Scripture has a divine source, but a human dimension as well Chapter 2: False teachers act out of greed & arrogance They face certain destruction, just as sinners did in OT times Chapter 3: Those who deny coming judgment ignore history Knowing the end is coming should cause us to live rightly
ARGUMENTS AGAINST SCOFFERS 1.The universe hasn’t always existed; likewise, it will come to an end. 2.All things haven’t continued w/out interruption since Creation (e.g., the Flood). 3.God isn’t subject to our estimate or experience of Time. 4.The apparent “delay” is an act of God’s grace.
LESSONS FOR TODAY 1.Faithfulness to what has been ___________ - not novelty – should be the church’s goal. 2.Bad ____________ leads to bad morals & ethics. 3.Future judgment of evil is ____________, so there’s no need for despair. 4.A doctrine that doesn’t cause us to be __________ people isn’t a healthy doctrine.
KEY VERSE “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18