Information Services and Systems For my course I have mostly been using... 1.Google to find information 2.Library resources (books/journals) 3.Guidance provided by lecturers/colleagues 4.A mixture of the above 5.Another source
Information Services and Systems SHM123 Why is it important for midwifery students to learn how to find information?
Information Services and Systems NMC Code 6. Always practise in line with the best available evidence. 6.1 make sure that any information or advice given is evidence-based, including information relating to using any healthcare products or services. (Nursing & Midwifery Council, 2015)
Information Services and Systems Where does the evidence come from? Research studies Where is this evidence published? Journals
Information Services and Systems Finding Journal Articles iFind/iFindResearch
Information Services and Systems ARTICLES ON READING LIST Cope, G. (2014). Nicotine and e-cigarette use during pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery, 22(11), Naughton, F., Prevost, A., Gilbert, H., & Sutton, S. (2012). Randomized controlled trial evaluation of a tailored leaflet and sms text message self- help intervention for pregnant smokers (miquit). Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 14(5), Szwajcer, E., Hiddink, G., Maas, L., Koelen, M., & van Woerkum, C. (2008). Nutrition-related information-seeking behaviours of women trying to conceive and pregnant women: Evidence for the life course perspective. Family Practice, 25(Suppl 1), i99-i104.
Information Services and Systems What is your topic...?
Information Services and Systems AND Boolean termAimSearch ExamplesResults AND To narrow your search results & Link your terms smoking AND pregnancy Only retrieves results containing both keywords OR To broaden your search results & OR will help you to search for related terms & synonyms obesity OR overweight Retrieves results containing either of your keywords NOT To exclude a term from your search Wales NOT Australia Will exclude records containing the second term Search tips
Information Services and Systems Where are you going to search? Individual journals ie: British Journal of Midwifery Google Scholar iFind Maternity and Infant Care CINAHL
Information Services and Systems What did you think? 1.Google Scholar was most useful 2.Individual journal was most useful 3.iFind Research / CINAHL was most useful 4.I struggled to find stuff
Information Services and Systems When creating your search strategy you need to think about… 1.Keywords 2.Synonyms 3.Limits 4.AND/OR/NOT 5.Truncation 6.All of the above
Information Services and Systems Which of these are valid methods for searching for evidence? 1.Online databases 2.Reference lists 3.Hand searching 4.Contacting authors 5.Internet 6.All of the above
Information Services and Systems Searching for midwi* will identify articles containing midwife/midwives/midwifery etc? 1.Yes 2.No 3.Not sure
Information Services and Systems Using OR to connect keywords when searching will ensure that either term is selected? 1.Yes 2.No 3.Not sure
Information Services and Systems When doing a search for literature using one database is acceptable 1.True 2.False
Information Services and Systems Your Librarians Clare, Elen, Izzy, Katrina, Stephen Your Librarians