Holy Is The Lord We stand and lift up our hands for the joy of the Lord is our strength We bow down and worship Him now How great how awesome is He And together we sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory the earth is filled with his glory We stand and lift up our hands for the joy of the Lord is our strength We bow down and worship Him now How great how awesome is He And together we sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory the earth is filled with his glory
It's rising up all around It's the anthem of the Lord's renown And together we sing, everyone sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory the earth is filled with his glory It's rising up all around It's the anthem of the Lord's renown And together we sing, everyone sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory Holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with His glory the earth is filled with his glory Holy Is The Lord
Beautiful Jesus Kristian Stanfill © 2007 Your Love oh God, displayed for us As crimson covered over sinless hands Your majesty, for all to see In raging storms and quiet cloudless days. Your Love oh God, displayed for us As crimson covered over sinless hands Your majesty, for all to see In raging storms and quiet cloudless days.
Beautiful Jesus Kristian Stanfill © 2007 Beautiful Jesus, Beautiful Savior Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Perfect in power, matchless in glory Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Beautiful Jesus, Beautiful Savior Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Perfect in power, matchless in glory Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine
Beautiful Jesus Kristian Stanfill © 2007 You’re powerful, above this world The universe is under Your command. Your glory shines, a holy light That leads our hearts to praise Your holy name is on our lips You’re powerful, above this world The universe is under Your command. Your glory shines, a holy light That leads our hearts to praise Your holy name is on our lips
Beautiful Jesus Kristian Stanfill © 2007 Beautiful Jesus, Beautiful Savior Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Perfect in power, matchless in glory Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Beautiful Jesus, Beautiful Savior Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Perfect in power, matchless in glory Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine
Beautiful Jesus Kristian Stanfill © 2007 My lips will sing; my heart will bring Praise to You the holy King My lips will sing; my heart will bring Praise to You wholly My lips will sing; my heart will bring Praise to You the holy King My lips will sing; my heart will bring Praise to You wholly
Beautiful Jesus Kristian Stanfill © 2007 Beautiful Jesus, Beautiful Savior Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Perfect in power, matchless in glory Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Beautiful Jesus, Beautiful Savior Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine Perfect in power, matchless in glory Nothing is greater, brilliant creator, friend of mine
John 15:9-17 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command.
John 15: I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 17 This is my command: Love each other.
Your Love Is Extravagant Darrell Evans 1998 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Your love is extravagant Your friendship, it is intimate I find I'm moving To the rhythms of Your grace Your fragrance is intoxicating In our secret place Your love is extravagant Your friendship, it is intimate I find I'm moving To the rhythms of Your grace Your fragrance is intoxicating In our secret place Your love is extravagant
Your Love Is Extravagant Darrell Evans 1998 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Spread wide in the arms of Christ Is the love that covers sin No greater love have I ever known You considered me a friend Capture my heart again. Spread wide in the arms of Christ Is the love that covers sin No greater love have I ever known You considered me a friend Capture my heart again.
You Are Still Holy Rita Springer 1998 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing Holy, You are still holy Even when the darkness surrounds my life. Sovereign, You are still sovereign Even when confusion has blinded my eyes Lord I don't deserve Your kind affection When my unbelief has kept me from Your touch. I want my life to be a pure reflection Of Your love... Holy, You are still holy Even when the darkness surrounds my life. Sovereign, You are still sovereign Even when confusion has blinded my eyes Lord I don't deserve Your kind affection When my unbelief has kept me from Your touch. I want my life to be a pure reflection Of Your love...
You Are Still Holy Rita Springer 1998 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing So I come into Your chambers And I dance at Your feet, Lord You are my Savior And I'm at Your mercy All that has been in my life up to now It belongs to You You are still holy So I come into Your chambers And I dance at Your feet, Lord You are my Savior And I'm at Your mercy All that has been in my life up to now It belongs to You You are still holy
You Are Still Holy Rita Springer 1998 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing Holy, You are still holy Even when I don’t understand Your ways. Sovereign, You are still sovereign Even when my circumstances don’t change Lord I don't deserve Your tender patience When my unbelief has kept me from Your truth. I want my life to be a pure devotion to You. Holy, You are still holy Even when I don’t understand Your ways. Sovereign, You are still sovereign Even when my circumstances don’t change Lord I don't deserve Your tender patience When my unbelief has kept me from Your truth. I want my life to be a pure devotion to You.
You Are Still Holy Rita Springer 1998 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing So I come into Your chambers And I dance at Your feet, Lord You are my Savior And I'm at Your mercy All that has been in my life up to now It Belongs to You You are still holy So I come into Your chambers And I dance at Your feet, Lord You are my Savior And I'm at Your mercy All that has been in my life up to now It Belongs to You You are still holy
Here In Your Presence Jessica VineYard Music What can I say here in Your presence I am undone here in Your presence You are mine, I am Yours You are God, I am Yours What can I say here in Your presence I am undone here in Your presence You are mine, I am Yours You are God, I am Yours
Here In Your Presence Jessica VineYard Music Lord who am I Here in Your presence I bow my life Here in Your presence You are God, I am Yours You are God, I am Yours, I am Yours, I am Yours. Lord who am I Here in Your presence I bow my life Here in Your presence You are God, I am Yours You are God, I am Yours, I am Yours, I am Yours.
Here In Your Presence Jessica VineYard Music You are God, I am Yours You are mine, I am Yours Lord who am I here in Your presence I bow my life here in Your presence You are God, I am Yours You are mine, I am Yours Lord who am I here in Your presence I bow my life here in Your presence
Invocation St. Augustine Great You are, O Lord, and greatly to be praised; great is Your power, and Your wisdom is infinite. You would we praise without ceasing. You call us to delight in Your praise, for You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts find not rest until we rest in You; to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit all glory, praise, and honor be ascribed, both now and forevermore. Amen.
3 Things to Learn from this Story 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 3.The distance between our actions and the actions of demons may not be that far apart 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 3.The distance between our actions and the actions of demons may not be that far apart
- C.S. Lewis from Introduction of Screwtape Letters
There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They [the devils] themselves are equally pleased by both errors, and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.
The Teaching of the Bible on Satan Seven Old Testament books teach the existence of Satan (Genesis, 1 Chronicles, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah) Every New Testament writer refers to the reality and activity of Satan The Gospel writers mention the reality of Satan 29 times 25 of the 29 Gospel references are spoken by Jesus Himself Seven Old Testament books teach the existence of Satan (Genesis, 1 Chronicles, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah) Every New Testament writer refers to the reality and activity of Satan The Gospel writers mention the reality of Satan 29 times 25 of the 29 Gospel references are spoken by Jesus Himself
“You know we lived all our life [being taught] that Satan is sovereign. If you get sick, it was the devil. If your child gets sick, it was the devil…. If your husband or your wife gets cancer, that's the devil that did that. If you had an accident, the devil did that. If you lost your job, the devil did that. If things didn't go the way you wanted them to go in your company or your family and you wound up with a loss of job or a divorce--the devil did all of that. The devil has to be bound and so you have got to learn these formulas, because you have got to bind the devil or he is really going to control everything in your life."
"The devil dominates everything, and he is assisted by this massive force of demons who also have to be dealt with, and you have got to do everything you can to try to overcome these spiritual powers, and they are invisible and they are fast and they are powerful, and they are really impossible for you to deal with on any permanent basis, so it is an ongoing, incessant struggle with the devil.“ - Letter to a Pastor
What do we learn about demons from this passage? 1.Demons are bent on the destruction of whatever they contact 2.Demons can work in coordinated effort with tens or hundreds or thousands of other demons 3.Demons are fully aware of their ultimate powerlessness against God 1.Demons are bent on the destruction of whatever they contact 2.Demons can work in coordinated effort with tens or hundreds or thousands of other demons 3.Demons are fully aware of their ultimate powerlessness against God
3 Things to Learn from this Story 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan
A Little Quiz Who is the opposite of demons?
A Little Quiz Who is the opposite of demons? Who is the opposite of Satan? AngelsAngels God?God?
A Little Quiz Who is the opposite of demons? Who is the opposite of Satan? AngelsAngels
A Little Quiz Who is the opposite of demons? Who is the opposite of Satan/Lucifer? AngelsAngels MichaelMichael
3 Things to Learn from this Story 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 3.The distance between our actions and the actions of demons may not be that far apart 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 3.The distance between our actions and the actions of demons may not be that far apart
Luke 8:28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don't torture me!"
Posture of Worship Sound of Worship Right Theology Asking the Right Question Declares Truth with Boldness
Case Study
Case Study Think of someone you know They are around good/Godly people They go to good/Godly places (church) They know the right things about God They say the right things about God to others They say the right things about God to God They are around good/Godly people They go to good/Godly places (church) They know the right things about God They say the right things about God to others They say the right things about God to God But their heart is cold and indifferent to God James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder.
Case Study Think of someone you know They are around good/Godly people They go to good/Godly places (church) They know the right things about God They say the right things about God to others They say the right things about God to God They are around good/Godly people They go to good/Godly places (church) They know the right things about God They say the right things about God to others They say the right things about God to God But their heart is cold and indifferent to God 1 Corinthians 13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing…. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Case Study
Case Study Think about Yourself I am around good/Godly people I go to good/Godly places (church) I know the right things about God I say the right things about God to others I say the right things about God to God I am around good/Godly people I go to good/Godly places (church) I know the right things about God I say the right things about God to others I say the right things about God to God But my heart is cold and indifferent to God
What’s Wrong With… Evangelism Worship Purity Bible Reading Prayer Evangelism Worship Purity Bible Reading Prayer Lack of Knowledge Lack of Knowledge Lack of Love Lack of Love Self Check-up
3 Things to Learn from this Story 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 3.The distance between our actions and the actions of demons may not be that far apart 1.Demons and the powers of Satan are a reality 2.The power of Christ is incomparable to the power of Satan 3.The distance between our actions and the actions of demons may not be that far apart