ALL ABOUT ME By: Delexis Ryans Date: 12/10/2009
Introducing Me Hello my name is Delexis Ryans I am doing a power point for computer class. I am 14 years and I am in the 8 th grade.
MY FAMILY My parents are Phillesia Ryans and Christopher Caddell. I have one brother name Demarcus Ryans and I have a sister name Lacrystal Ryans. And I have a nephew Name Dacoryin.
MY PETS I have three Pets. I Have two dogs they are Pit bulls the girl Grave digger and the boy is Bo-Bo. And my cat his name is Tommy.
THINGS I LIKE TO DO I like to play sports. I play softball for Greensboro High School I love play sports but not any sports. I also like to play football with my brother Demarcus when I am bored. These are the things I like to do.
My Favorite Book I don’t have a favorite book. I went to the book store and I bought me a book called Time On My Hands. That was the first book that I liked.
Quiz Did you like my power point? Did your life kind of relate to mine? If you liked my power point let me know and I will thank you.