3-5 November Workshop Modules for coding and encoding METAR, TAF, GAFOR and SYNOP Peter Schmitt, Günter Rosemann (DWD) Klaus Fischer (DFS)
3-5 November Workshop Modules for coding and encoding 1.Program „METAR“ FM 15 METAR 2.Ideas for - FM 12 SYNOP - FM 51 TAF - RF 6/02 GAFOR
3-5 November Workshop Training with the learning module „METAR“ at BTZ BTZ use “METAR” for observer forecaster beginners refreshments METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report Informations about the cloud-group Description of a Cu con / TCU TCU NsNsNshshshsNsNsNshshshs
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report Ceilometer: Problem of point-measurement Automat SKC (sky clear) NCD (no cloads dedectet)
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report 2 St 150 m 5 St 510 m 4 St 750 m 8 Ns 900 m
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report 2 St 150 m 5 St 510 m 4 St 750 m few005 bkn017 ovc030 2 St 150 m 5 St 510 m 4 St 750 m 8 Ns 900 m
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report For which times were reports issued at DWD according to FM15 METAR? H+25 and H+55 H+20 and H+50 H+00 and H+30 H+10 and H+40
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report N 9999
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report N 9999
3-5 November Workshop METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report M04/M03
3-5 November Workshop TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast TAF
3-5 November Workshop GAFOR (General Aviation Forecast) visibility Cload base above the reference heigt Characteristics for coding and encoding in Europe Differences in Europe Clouds Visibility Quizzes
3-5 November Workshop GAFOR (General Aviation Forecast) References for flight-climatology in areas Geography Visibility and clouds Turbulence Effects of luv and lee
3-5 November Workshop Precipitation at time of observation at the station No precipitation at time of observation at the station Copy the two pictures in the ww-fields, that the statement is true Quizzes to the 100 weather-codes SYNOP Surface Synoptic Observations
3-5 November Workshop Precipitation at time of observation at the station No precipitation at time of observation at the station Copy the two pictures in the ww-fields, that the statement is true Quizzes to the 100 weather-codes SYNOP Surface Synoptic Observations
3-5 November Workshop For which ww is this statement correct? The intensity is a function of the electric strokes SYNOP Surface Synoptic Observations
3-5 November Workshop For which ww is this statement correct? The intensity is a function of the electric strokes. SYNOP Surface Synoptic Observations
Intensity of Lithometeors Hydrometeors Electric meteors Move the parts to the right place light, moderate, strong
3-5 November Workshop SYNOP Surface Synoptic Observations Tornado Freezing Rain Marked Squall
3-5 November Workshop EUMETCAL Modules for coding and encoding Aviation Satellite Radar NWP Thank you very much Peter Schmitt – BTZ Langen