Special Interest Groups Influences in American Politics
What is a special interest group? Special interest groups are groups that are only interested in one or two particular interests. Their goal is to influence government officials into promoting and/ or voting for their particular political interests.
What is the difference between a Special Interest and a Political Party? #1 – The main goal of a political party is have people elected to political positions to represent the interests of the party, while the interest group has no political desires.
And... #2 – Most political parties have a wide range of political views while interest groups concentrate on only a few issues.
Anything else... Most interest groups are regionalized and local, while political parties tend to be on a national level. As media outlets have grown over the years, so has the nationalization of many of these groups.
What is the purpose of a special interest group? Interest groups help to “bridge the gap” between citizens of an area and the local, state, and federal politicians that represent that area. In other words, they attempt to convince politicians how to vote.
How do they influence the government? #1 - Number of supporters in the special interest group. #2 - Amount of wealth the special interest group has. How “interested” Americans become in their interests. This is done through organization and media.
How Do You Get Involved in an Interest Group? Have an interest in what the group is promoting. Join the group (college campuses are big recruiting grounds for SIG’s)
Some Interest Groups in America Today NRA – National Rifle Association WWF – World Wildlife Fund SADD – Students Against Destructive Decisions NEA – National Education Association FAIR – Federation for American Immigration Reform Americans for Tax Reform
Who are these people? Google – political interest groups More popular groups include the NRA, WWF, GLAAD, PETA, MADD, SADD