Ubi ubi ubicomp comp Thu Mar 8Evaluation
Issues for Personalizing Shared Pervasive Devices by Jonathan Trevor et al
“shared” devices Same for everyone
“shared” devices Home TVs Stereos Kitchen appliances Workplace Copiers Fax Machines Projectors
“shared” devices World Wide Web?
“shared” devices Personalization/targeting on the web = “unshared” device?
“shared” devices Web personalization Friendlier? More efficient? Profitable!
“shared” devices Domain? Internet
“shared” devices Other domains?
Authors’ hope Personalize “shared” devices
Contributions of this paper Comparative prototypes Novel personalization system proposal Lessons learned
Personalization Emacs “teleporting” iCrafter iRoom BMW 7 Series
Personal Ubiquitous Systems Ubicomp vs. “Shared” devices
Personal Ubiquitous Systems Embedded Design Approach Integrate personalization with an already existing interface/device Portable Design Approach Personal interface for mobile devices Which one? Comparative evaluation time!
Personal Ubiquitous Systems Embedded Design Approach Integrate personalization with an already existing interface/device Portable Design Approach Personal interface for mobile devices Is that all?
Comparative Evaluation 1. Design with alternative 2. Vary deployment situations 3. Compare and contrast
Personal Interaction Points (PIPs) System for shared pervasive devices “smart” access Information cloud
Testing testing Podium PC Brainstorming plasma MFD
Personalization Design 1. Idetifying users 2. Learning and remembering 3. Creating personalized UI
PIPs Architecture Web-based
PIPs Architecture Web-based
Embedded vs. Portable Direct access w/ peripherals Vs. “Remote control”
PIPs A success! PIPcidents Usability decreases with portability Lazy people prefer to be lazy Availability increases with portability May be untrustworthy Portable = private
Usability and availabilty Varied based on design Utility and privacy Varied based on design and situation
Back to the future: comparative prototyping Designing for use Designing for evaluation
Everyday Encounters with Context-Aware Computing in a Campus Environment by Louise Barkhuus and Paul Dourish
Ubicomp motivation Expand computers beyond desktop confines But it’s dangerous out there!
Ubicomp motivation Expand ubicomp beyond academic confines Time for the real world, ubi!
If you don’t know, now you know Institutional analysis ‘meso-level’ approach | V Ethnomethodology – Marxist analysis
Taking it to the real world! “Given that many ubiquitous computing technologies are developed, deployed, and evaluated in university settings, our particular institutional concern is with student life on a university campus and how these institutional arrangements manifest themselves for students day-to-day.”
Taking it to the real world! “There are many reasons to expect that campus environments are ideal for the development, deployment, and testing of ubiquitous computing technologies. Clearly, many technologies are developed in university research, and campus environments are therefore convenient.”
Ubicomp “in practice” Active Campus diet monitor Aware campus
To be used ubiquitously Active Campus Active class Support classroom teaching Questions Polls Ratings
Adoption Why teens?
“When does location manifest itself as a practical problem for students?”