The Outsiders S. E. Henton 1967 realistic fiction Morgan H. 5 th Period
Setting A town divided by rivalries between the socs and the greasers. The church which takes a train to get to.
Characters CharacterPhysical Characteristics Adjectives of Personality Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives Character 1 Ponyboy 1 small1 poor1 They have to steel to live. 2 long hair2 smart2 They want to put him in advanced classes. 3 green-gray eyes3 caring3 He helped the kids out of the church. Character 2 Sodapop 1 handsome1 nice1 He is nice to almost everyone he meets. 2 tall2 caring2 He wouldn’t let Darry hurt anyone. 3 long hair3 poor3 Didn’t have a lot of money.
Conflict Good or evil, rich or poor, educated or uneducated. (Man vs. society)
Summary of Plot A poor group of teenagers, “greasers” who have to deal with the rich kids “socs” and steal and fight. They often get in trouble and the conflict becomes worse when a kid is killed.
Theme A person is a person. Text Evidence 1:The greasers thought that all socs were bad Text Evidence 2:both socs and greasers look at the sun set.
Point of View The outsiders is told in first person point of view. It better helps the reader understand the felling of the characters. If it was different you might not have known how ponyboy felt throuout the story
Symbolism sunset The sunset represents that no mater where you live or how much money you have a person is a person and they can view things differently even it looks the same.
Recommendation I would recommend this book to some one who likes coming of age stories, action books, or fighting, because there is lots of action and fighting.
The Thank you The End