Introduction to Social Psychology
Social psychology and related disciplines Social psychology and sociology Social psychology and personality psychology
Is social psychology simply common sense? Hindsight bias The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an outcome, one’s ability to have foreseen it Also known as the I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon
How do we do Social Psychology How do we do Social Psychology? Correlational Research (Correlation Versus Causation) A. Correlation Natural associations b/t two or more variables B. Experiment - Manipulation of one variable to see affect on another
Survey Research Random sampling Potential biases Unrepresentative samples Order of questions Response options Question wording
Experimental Research: Searching for Cause and Effect Control: Manipulating Variables Independent variables Often done in laboratory Condition Treatment Measure Participant pool experimental Violent tv aggression control Nonviolent tv aggression
Random assignment Assigning participants to conditions so that each person has an equal chance of being in any given condition. Random assignment & random sampling
Correlation vs. Experiment (or: How to tell the difference) Can participants be randomly assigned? Is there an independent variable and a dependent variable?
Demand characteristics Cues in an experiment which reveal expected behavior
Ethics in Experimentation Institutional Review Board Suggestions by APA Tell potential Pp enough about the experiment to enable informed consent Be truthful & avoid deception Protect people from harm and significant discomfort Keep participant information confidential Fully explain the experiment afterward, including any deception, unless it would be distressing