Skin Color Factors Melanin - Pigment in skin, eyes, hair Carotene - a copper-colored pigment Skin Thickness Reflection of Blood Vessels
Skin Color Distribution
Why? Natural Selection In Tropics Reduces frequency of skin cancer Reduces likelihood of severe sunburn which interferes with sweating Melanin screens sunlight passing through skin Regulates Vitamin D Production Which Regulates deposition of Calcium Too Much Calcium > Calcification of soft tissues In Higher Latitudes Too Little Calcium > Rickets; Reduced Size of Birth Canal
Lower production of melanin, especially in females of reproductive age, would be reinforced through differences in reproductive success, and the genes coding for this variant would be differentially transmitted to offspring. There are two variants of the gene SLC24A5. The first variant has a frequency of 99% among European Americans. The other has a frequency of 93 to 100% among East Asians