We have come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
BOARD GOALS 1. Effective teachers – ensure effective teachers for all students 2. Effective principals – ensure a highly effective leader for every school 3. Safe and secure schools – ensure a safe, secure, and welcoming environment 4. Parental involvement – develop shared responsibility between parents/guardians and schools 5. Rigor – implement rigorous curriculum and engaging educational practices and experiences
BOARD GOALS 6. Positive culture – create and sustain a positive and compassionate “common culture” 7. Human resources – hire, retain, and develop highly effective employees 8. Data and innovation – base decisions on data and develop innovative ways to educate students 9. Central office – organize to encourage a positive culture, support campuses, and remove barriers 10. Facilities – upgrade and maintain our facilities
Focus Graduate college- and career-ready students by 2020.
By the Year 2020, Dallas ISD will have the highest college- and career-ready percentage of graduates of any large urban district in the nation.
DESTINATION 2020 GOALS In particular, by September 2020, we expect: 90% of our students to graduate on time 40% of our students to attain a 21 or higher composite score on the ACT exam or SAT of 990 on Reading/Math
DESTINATION 2020 GOALS 80% of our students to enter college, the military, or a “career-ready job” straight from high school 75% of our students to be proficient on the “Year 2020 workplace readiness assessments” These assessments will be designed by the business and non-profit communities and will include critical thinking, communications, teamwork, information literacy, technology skills, and work ethic
Stay the Course!
Continue TEI Summer labs, academies Aligned professional development Compensation Expand leadership academies
Incentivize movement of effective teachers to IR campuses Strengthen professional culture Design new eval system for central office Implement new eval system for Assistant Principals and Counselors
Focus on quality of instruction Support new Personalized Learning schools Expand school choice options Expand support for high quality early childhood instruction
Accomplish key performance outcomes and progress monitoring metrics Significantly reduce the number of long-term substitutes Continue to build project management office
Continue to expand volunteer programs Grow investment in HIPPY and other parent programs Pilot I2020 (version 2.0) in Pinkston feeder pattern Early childhood component
Support passage of a TRE for future facilities and programs
KEY CHALLENGES Transformation fatigue Communicating comprehensive plan and funding mechanism Long-term substitutes Creating a culture of high expectations