7 strategies for maximising the progress of More Able Learners Stretch and Challenge 7 strategies for maximising the progress of More Able Learners
Strategy 1: Use students’ Personal Learning Strategies Getting to know the students’ preferred learning styles and personal aspirations will help you to match your planning and teaching more effectively to the students’ learning needs
Strategy 2: Use class learning pro formas For top sets, or clusters of More Able students in mixed groups, co-construct a learning pro forma to focus you and the students on how to gain the top levels/ grades
Strategy 3: Differentiated work Extension work should never be about doing more of the same. Add another layer of difficulty: More abstractness More complexity More variety More open-endedness More analysis/ critical thinking More reasoning More pace More depth and detail More breadth Study of methodology Don’t be afraid to fast-track students to work for a higher year group Don’t expect More Able students to work through easy tasks first!
Strategy 4: Provide targeted intervention What exactly is the intervention need? Develop specialists across your team in a variety of areas: Lifting your work by 1 grade/ level Exam/ Assessment skills Exam/ Assessment knowledge & understanding Learning and memorising skills A/A* or L8 performance
Strategy 5: Use other students Peer Coaching: horizontal and vertical Study Dates Form Time Coaching (Maths example) Student Buddies in or across classes Buddy up classes in different year groups. Have top set Year 10 students working with top set Year 7 students
Strategy 6: Buddy up classes Buddy up top set classes or top set students in different mixed ability classes and encourage class competitions Team plan, teach and mark, and do peer assessment across classes Have student buddies across classes Have a shared email group address for A/ A* wannabes in your subject Have a designated subject mentor from your department for A/ A* wannabes
Strategy 7: Provide Enrichment More Able students should be working above and beyond the curriculum: Extension tasks to add breadth and depth Extra projects tailored to students’ interests Extra reading and resources for students who want to learn more Trips and visits to stimulate students’ curiosity Enrichment activities to allow students to explore your subject