Music therapy as a clinical intervention for mental disorders: State of the evidence Christian Gold, PhD GAMUT, Uni Research Health Bergen, Norway
Overview Some initial thoughts/ideas Mental health Music therapy Evidence Review of existing evidence Gaps in the evidence Outside the scope The future
What is mental health (and why is it so hard to investigate)?
Borsboom & Cramer 2013 Annu Rev Clin Psychol; Borsboom et al PLOS ONE
What is music therapy (and why is it so hard to investigate)? Video “Joel” Wigram 2010 Aalborg University
What is music therapy (and why is it so hard to investigate)? a “complex intervention” music experiences + relationships “that develop through them” “what music?” – the wrong question Campbell et al BMJ Bruscia 1998, 2014 Defining music therapy
What is trustworthy evidence?
Campbell et al BMJ
What is trustworthy evidence? Campbell et al BMJ
What is trustworthy evidence?
“PICO”: Participants Interventions Comparisons Outcomes plus setting, context,... internal vs. external validity
What is trustworthy evidence? Thorpe et al J Clin Epidemiol
Evidence for MT: Depression Maratos et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Depression Maratos et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Depression Erkkilä et al BJPsych
Evidence for MT: Depression Erkkilä et al BJPsych
Evidence for MT: Depression Werner et al Aging Ment Health
Evidence for MT: Schizophrenia Mössler et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Schizophrenia Mössler et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Autism spectrum Geretsegger et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Autism spectrum Geretsegger et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Dementia Vink et al Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Evidence for MT: Dementia Ridder et al Aging Ment Health
Evidence for MT: Mixed MH problems Gold et al Clin Psychol Rev
Evidence for MT: Mixed MH problems Gold et al Clin Psychol Rev
Evidence for MT: Mixed MH problems Gold et al Psychother Psychosom
Evidence for MT: Mixed MH problems Chen et al IJOTCC
The gap: What RCTs leave out
Observational studies Gold et al PAPTRAP
Observational studies Mössler et al Arts Psychother
Qualitative research Rolvsjord 2015 Nord J Music Ther
Qualitative research Solli 2015 Nord J Music Ther
Neuroscience Blood & Zatorre 2001 PNAS
Neuroscience Lai et al Brain
Outside the scope Hole et al Lancet
Outside the scope Coulton et al BJPsych
The future?
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