TEST INFORMATION & REVIEW September 28, 2015
Camera checkout Requirements –Pass Part 1 with a 70% or better 35 points out of 50 –Pass Part 2 with a 80% or higher 19.5 points out of 24 –Both your parent letter and camera contract filled out correctly and submitted
Additionally you must ■Staple both tests in your visual journal –Redo the questions you answered incorrectly on a clean sheet of paper in your visual journal. –This is also required for students who did not pass. ■Complete your Ansel Adams Photo edits (1 & 2)
If you did not pass… ■Retakes start Friday. –Please note, the first part will NOT be the same test. –It is important to study –If you would like to retake the test you must let me know 1 day in advance ■Study guide must be completed and shown to Mrs. Sears in order to take test.
COMPOSITION PROJECT let’s see what you remember
Answer what you remember about the following in your visual journal. ■What are ethics in photography? ■What is the difference between a snapshot and a fine art photograph? ■What is the Rule of Thirds? ■What is the Rule of Simplicity? ■What are some things you remember about angles? ■What do you remember about lighting?
Today’s Agenda ■Staple both tests into your visual journal- this is part of your visual journal grade. ■Correct incorrect answers on a clean sheet of paper in your visual journal. Write out the question so that you can study better. ■Once you’ve corrected your incorrect answers complete editing your Ansel Adams photos.
On a single sheet of paper write down one of the following statements: ■I do not have a camera to use. ■I have a phone camera but, it is not a very good camera. ■I have a phone camera but, prefer to use a school camera. ■I will be using my own phone or camera.