Opening Sequence Exercise: What the audience understands from these different shots 1SJ 2009 HOW DIRECTORS CREATE MEANING
SFX – Plane engine noise 2SJ 2009
Plane landing – orange tone SJ
Hand grips armrest & shows wedding ring SJ
Slow pan up to passenger & into a ‘2 shot’ SJ
Reverse shot – CU on Bruce Willis SJ
Passenger continues advice SJ
Reverse shot again - CU SJ
Wide shot of cabin SJ
CU through Willis’ jacket – Passenger sees something SJ
Insert (reverse & POV shot) SJ
CU – Passenger’s eyes travel up to meet Willis’ SJ
Reverse low angle from passenger’s POV SJ
CU – Reaction to Willis’: ‘Trust me, I’m a cop’ 14SJ 2009
Reverse POV shot – ‘...I’ve been doin’ it for 11 years’ 15SJ 2009
MCU – Willis removes teddy SJ
Reframes showing female attendant SJ
Over Willis’ shoulder showing her eyes meet Willis’s... 18SJ 2009
CU Willis passes her 19SJ 2009
‘DIE’ & ‘HARD’ travel from either side of screen. Music changes SJ
LS – Willis lights cig & walks to camera SJ
Takagi, emerges from office. Music changes to string orchestra SJ
He greets employees 23SJ 2009
He moves to balcony 24SJ 2009
Holly Gennero McClane leaves 25SJ 2009
Steadicam shot – tracking behind her SJ
Harry Ellis talks to her... 27SJ 2009
...the ‘chat up’ continues... 28SJ 2009
...he’s still trying hard 29SJ 2009
LS of Holly’s office 30SJ 2009
She sits at her desk & swivels away from Harry & camera SJ
MLS – Kitchen at McLane house SJ
Lucy answers the phone 33SJ 2009
Slow track of Holly’s back – revealing family photos SJ
Closer shot of Lucy on phone SJ
MCU of Holly continuing phone call SJ
MCU on Paulina (housekeeper) SJ
Closer shot on Holly SJ
CU on Paulina SJ
CU on Holly zooms into photo frame SJ
Holly pulls photo forcefully down. SJ