Unit 3 Examination A Tourist’s World: Further revision For all questions – mix discuss (think, pair, share) with written – mark a minute
Theme: The Growth of the Tourist Industry Even though theme divider – Please discuss compound line graph – many students can misinterpret these
Discuss what need for full marks / Reveal for ans
Describe the changes shown in Figure 4b Describe the changes shown in Figure 4b. Use tourist data in your answer. (3) Discuss why students may not get full marks – no use of desc words e.g. steady, rise gently or steeply / incorrect or no use of dates & figures / reveal ans
Explain the social and economic reasons for the growth of tourism. (4) Students ans – 4mins / Click to reveal ms - peer assess
The Growth of the Tourist Industry Other possible exam questions: (3 marks) Outline how an increase in leisure time has caused a growth in tourism Outline how developments in communications and information technology has caused a growth in tourism Outline how transport developments has caused a growth in tourism Outline how greater wealth has caused a growth in tourism Outline how (social or economic or political) factors has caused a growth in tourism Other possible exam questions: (4 marks) Explain the reasons for the growth in global tourism Explain the X (social, economic, political) and X (social, economic, political) for the growth of tourism.
The Growth of the Tourist Industry
Study Figure 6c. Outline the physical and human attractions of the area shown in 6c. (4) Examiners’ Report: Mostly well received by the majority of candidates. Weaker answers involved candidates talking about different types of holiday (adventure, package etc.) Identification of physical factors tended to be clearer and better than that of human factors Students ans – 4mins – click photo to enlarge / click reveal ms – peer assess / Click reveal ER – discuss + read e.g. ans – 4 marks?
Physical & Human Attractions Possible exam questions: (2 marks) What is meant by the term physical attractions for holiday destinations? What is meant by the term human attractions for holiday destinations? Possible examination questions: (3 marks) Describe the physical attractions of Photograph A. Describe the human attractions of Photograph B. Possible exam questions: (4 marks) Describe the physical and human attractions of Photograph A. Suggest reasons why tourists might be attracted to Photograph B Compare the physical & human attractions of Photograph A & Photograph B.
Physical & Human Attractions to Holiday Destinations
Types of holiday Other possible exam questions: (2 marks) What is a package holiday? What is an adventure holiday? What is a wedding holiday? What is a backpacking holiday? Discuss / click to reveal ans / click to reveal other poss exam q’s
Types of holiday
Theme: Resort Development
The Butler Model Discuss – click reveal ans / click for alt q – students ans – 4 mins - peer assess – click to reveal ms
Describe what happens to a resort at the stagnation stage of the Butler Model. (4) Click to reveal e.g. & ms = 4m
Choose a study you have made of a holiday resort in the European Union Choose a study you have made of a holiday resort in the European Union. Use the Butler model of resort development to explain how the resort has developed. (6) Examiners’ Report: Many responses leapt from development to rejuvenation leaving vast chunks out. Candidates generally linked stages of development [from chosen example] quite well to the Butler Model. Many candidates failed to achieve a level 3 because answers were purely descriptive of the development of a particular resort and lacked any explanation. Both explanation and specifics are required for level 3. A small minority of candidates misread the question and chose a case study outside the EU.
Choose a study you have made of a holiday resort in the European Union Choose a study you have made of a holiday resort in the European Union. Use the Butler model of resort development to explain how the resort has developed. (6) Discuss ms / reveal e.g. / discuss – 6m
The Butler Model & Blackpool Students MUST know ALL the information (incl dates) for all the stages
Theme: The effects of tourist industry growth
Outline the ways in which tourism can have a negative impact on the environment. Include examples in your answer. (4) Students ans – 4mins/ click 4 ms + peer assess / click for other e.g.s
Does this include examples? = 2m max
Does this include examples? Tourism can harm the environment. In the Lake District, the footpaths are being eroded by tourists walking on them. This process is sped up through increased amounts of tourists. Tourism can also put a strain on resources. For example, In Ibiza, food and water had to be shipped in from mainland Spain because it had been used up by tourists. Tourism can also leave a lot of litter, causing the resort to look dirty and unattractive. It also causes pollution from the increased amount of cars in the areas such as the Lake District. Does this include examples? = 4m
Study Photograph X. (Suggest or Explain) the (positive or negative) effects of tourism. (4) Discuss impacts q might be photo inter – students must make sure refer to ideas in photo + have bal of + & - and ideally soc, eco & env categorisation e.g. photo A - social pos = sharing language & culture / neg = cultural dilution or animosity between locals and tourists
The Effects of Tourism Other possible exam questions: (4 marks) Outline the positive & negative impacts of tourism. Outline the negative (social or economic or environmental) impacts of tourism. Include examples in your answer Outline the positive (social or economic or environmental) impacts of tourism. Include examples in your answer Describe two (social or economic or environmental) and two (social or economic or environmental) positive impacts of tourism Describe two (social or economic or environmental) and two (social or economic or environmental) negative impacts of tourism Other possible exam questions: (6 marks) On next slide NOTE: Mention Desc questions still require examples (used in 6 mark ans) otherwise poss 2 marks max
Choose a study you have made of a resort in a HIC Choose a study you have made of a resort in a HIC. Explain the effects (impacts) of tourism on this holiday destination. (6) Students attempt – 6 mins. Click to reveal notes NOTE: Students MUST know the name of resort & country + AT LEAST one (positive & negative) soc, eco & env impact – MUST BE PLACE SPECIFIC for L2 & above (all 3 for 6m). No p-s = L1 max.
Choose a study you have made of a resort in a LIC Explain the effects (impacts) of tourism on this holiday destination. (6) Students attempt – 6 mins. Click to reveal notes (Zanzibar, Tanzania, E.Africa NOTE: Students MUST know the name of resort & country + AT LEAST one (positive & negative) soc, eco & env impact – MUST BE PLACE SPECIFIC for L2 & above (all 3 for 6m). No p-s = L1 max.
Choose a study you have made of a resort in a MIC Explain the effects (impacts) of tourism on this holiday destination. (6) Students attempt – 6 mins. Click to reveal notes (M-P, Peru)NOTE: Students MUST NOTE & know the name of resort & country + AT LEAST one (positive & negative) soc, eco & env impact – MUST BE PLACE SPECIFIC for L2 & above (all 3 for 6m). No p-s = L1 max.
Choose a study you have made of tourism in a National Park Explain the effects (impacts) of tourism on this National Park. (6) Students attempt – 6 mins. Click to reveal notes (Malham, York Dales N-P))NOTE: Students MUST NOTE & know the name + AT LEAST one (positive & negative) soc, eco & env impact – MUST BE PLACE SPECIFIC for L2 & above (all 3 for 6m). No p-s = L1 max.
What is the economic impact of tourism What is the economic impact of tourism? Tourist Positive Multiplier effect? Government intervention: Advertising & financing infrastructure Increase in employment in secondary (building) & tertiary activities Increase in tourists, spending money in hotels, bars, restaurants & souvenir shops Local farmers & businesses increase profits Businesses expand in to other potential resort areas Local government receives higher tax revenue to invest in education, health care & infrastructure Click to reveal 1st to get started / allow 2 mins / debrief by reveal / MA link PME to Myrdal’s model of cumulative causation & ripple effects = develop other resorts in area / slides 11-12 negative multiplier effect
What is the economic impact of tourism What is the economic impact of tourism? Tourist Negative Multiplier effect? No Government intervention for Advertising & financing infrastructure Decrease in employment in secondary (building) & tertiary activities Decrease in tourists, spending money in hotels, bars, restaurants & souvenir shops Local farmers & businesses decrease in profits Businesses contract to just one resort or close completely Local government receives lower tax revenue to invest in education, health care & infrastructure
Explain the multiplier effect Define the term ‘leakage’
Theme: Ecotourism
What is Ecotourism? (2) Students ans – 2mins / click to reveal ans / needs e.g. – click to reveal
Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination. Explain how eco-tourism can protect the environment and benefit the local community. (6) Students ans – 6mins / click for ms & discuss / peer assess / click for notes
Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination. Explain how eco-tourism can protect the environment and benefit the local community. (6) Local Community Environment 6 marks = Named location – ‘Footsteps’ in The Gambia + AT LEAST 3 env+ 3 LC (PLACE-SPECIFIC & Expl)
Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination. Explain how eco-tourism can protect the environment. (6) Environment 6 marks = Named location – ‘Footsteps’ in The Gambia + ALL (PLACE-SPECIFIC & Expl)
Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination. Explain how eco-tourism can benefit the local community. (6) Local Community 6 marks = Named location – ‘Footsteps’ in The Gambia + ALL (PLACE-SPECIFIC & Expl)
Study Figure 6c. Outline the physical and human attractions of the area shown in 6c. (4)