Just Have a Seat In Your Number If you don’t know your number, check the board
Journals Q.1 Monday-Tuesday: Standard Wednesday: Reading Thursday: Un-Packing the FSS Friday: Vocab Quiz (NOT IN JOURNAL)
Guidelines: 1.In order to gain credit for doing your journals, the date needs to be on it. 2.Please place dates in the top right corner of every page. 3.You should be using both the front and the back of each page. 4.Each page should be fully written in. 5.You do not need to record the questions down. 6.If you have any questions about the journal as it is happening– just ask!
Monday 8/31 Frequently-- beaches can get polluted due to the oil that gets released when 2-4 wheel vehicles drive on the sand. Knowing this fact--Do you think vehicles should be allowed on the beach? Why?
Tuesday 9/1 A vegetarian is a person that doesn’t eat meat. Are you a vegetarian? Why do you think people are vegetarians? Could you ever be a vegetarian?
Wednesday 9/2 GRAB A SHEET ON THE SQUARE SHELF AND FILL OUT YOUR SCHEDULE! Today is a reading day! Grab your journals, grab a book, and READ! Today in your journal, you will be writing about: Whatever you read today– Describe the cover. Why did you choose it? Was it because of the front, the topic, the title…how do you choose to read anything? What is your thought process. Discuss.
It’s almost FRIDAY! Thursday 9/3 It’s almost FRIDAY! Grab your journal, a white slip of paper, a yellow and a blue packet off of the counter. (These packets are YOURS to keep with you in your binders) Step 1: Using the standards in order—pick the first standard on the blue sheet, then copy down that standard. Step 2: When you have completed step 1, I would now like for you to explain said standard in your own words. Step 3:On a scale of 1 to 3—how well do you feel you know this standard. Explain what you need to work on specifically within that standard. 1 being confused and unable to handle the standard on your own. 2 being semi-confident in your abilities with said standard. 3 being completely confident in your abilities with this standard.
9/3 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. This standard is stating that I have to show by telling them Scale of 1 to 3.
Friday 9/4 NO SCHOOL MONDAY! DO NOT GRAB YOUR JOURNALS! Instead take out a writing utensil and put all phones in the phone jail.
Tuesday 9/8 Explain what this picture quote means to you. Do you think this is true in life AND in nature?
Today is a full reading day! I will let you know when it is time to switch over to writing! Wednesday 9/9 PLEASE PUT CELL PHONES IN JAIL Today is a full reading day! I will let you know when it is time to switch over to writing! Wednesday 9/9 READING DAY REMINDER!!! Today is the last day that you can “borrow” one of my books during class. If you check a book out before Wednesday you may use it– but otherwise you need to bring your own books next week!
Reading Journal: -What is something you read about that you identify with. It doesn’t mean that you have had this experience– but how can you relate to whatever it is that you were reading? How could it potentially apply to you? What did you gain from it?
Thursday 9/10 OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT!!! Class will be held in media center.
Friday 9/11 Class in Media Center.
Monday 9/14 NO JOURNALS! Vocab quiz day!!! (Yes there will still be one on Friday )
Tuesday 9/15 There are certain things in nature that do not have their own voice: Animals, Plants, Trees, etc. I want you to speak for one of those voiceless living things. Talk about your struggles, trials, and triumphs.
DIA Wednesday 9/16 1.Pick up your journals. 2.Put your phone in the phone jail. 3.Take out your book. 4.Read your book (until Ms. Castaldo says it is time to journal). 5.When it is time to journal—write about 5 new words you discovered. If you understood all of the words– then choose 5 words to explain to a first grader from what you just read. Also– Do you think a first grader would enjoy what you read? Explain why or why not. I will need more than, “they wouldn’t understand it”. Think about the experiences YOU had as a first grader.
Thursday 9/17 Grab your journal and take out your blue warm up packet. (If you are new– the packets are on the 4 blocked shelf in the front right of the room). Step 1: Using the standards in order—pick the first standard on the blue sheet, then copy down that standard. Step 2: When you have completed step 1, I would now like for you to explain said standard in your own words. Step 3:On a scale of 1 to 3—how well do you feel you know this standard. Explain what you need to work on specifically within that standard. 1 being confused and unable to handle the standard on your own. 2 being semi-confident in your abilities with said standard. 3 being completely confident in your abilities with this standard.
Friday 9/18 NO JOURNALS! PUT PHONES IN JAIL OR ON MY DESK! Vocab quiz day!!!
Tuesday 9/22 You need journals, Vocab Sheets, and assessment booklets The General Census Bureau often dictates a direct correlation between 18-year-olds who identify their political party registrations with their parents/guardian’s political party. Have you made any political decisions for yourself yet? If so, do they match your parents? Explain. Whether they do or not, explain whether you think it is necessary that they do or not.
Wednesday 9/23 10-Minute Reading Day You may ONLY use your own book. If you do not have your own book– you may use your performance assessment book and pick a couple articles out of there. Reading Question: Did you learn anything new? -New about the characters you are reading about. -New facts about science, life, famous people, wars, old stories? Just write down something you learned
Thursday 9/24 Grab your journal and take out your blue warm up packet. (If you are new– the packets are on the 4 blocked shelf in the front right of the room). Step 1: Using the standards in order—pick the NEXT standard on the blue sheet, then copy down that standard. Step 2: When you have completed step 1, I would now like for you to explain said standard in your own words. Step 3:On a scale of 1 to 3—how well do you feel you know this standard. Explain what you need to work on specifically within that standard. 1 being confused and unable to handle the standard on your own. 2 being semi-confident in your abilities with said standard. 3 being completely confident in your abilities with this standard.
Friday 9/25 NO JOURNALS! PUT PHONES IN JAIL OR ON MY DESK! Vocab quiz day!!!