Adopted as a District 7 Project for and bienniums Impacting Women through: ◦ Medical & Dental Health Services ◦ Education ◦ Skill Building ◦ Support
4 Dental Clinics & 2 Medical Clinics Over 3,200 women, children and families served Mentored youth and other health professionals
Educated on health issues, breastfeeding, maternal & child bonding Taught adult, infant & child CPR
Feeding 325 children every day School incorporated 100 children from the orphanage
Sponsor a Student at HAC
Zonta Says No campaign Educating on domestic violence
Sewing – women make the school uniforms
Carpentry – women made school benches
Delivered over 10,000 lbs of supplies: ◦ Medical – Children’s Tylenol, vitamins, antibiotics ◦ Eyeglasses ◦ Clothing ◦ Formula ◦ School supplies ◦ Jewelry making ◦ Sewing machines, power tools ◦ 100+ mosquito nets
Supplies funded by: ◦ Heels to Heal 5K for Haiti ◦ Individual Donations - Zontians and non Zontians ◦ Zonta Club Donations from across the District ◦ $3000 pin money from District 7 ◦ Church groups, Service Group Donations ◦ Jewelry Sales ◦ THANK YOU!
Haiti trips 2016 ◦ Dental Clinic March 11-15, 2016 ◦ Medical Clinic Sept 1-6, 2016 ◦ Call Cheryl Mothes Purchase jewelry made by Apparent Project Club or Individual donations Purchase District pins Sponsor or participate in “Heels to Heal 5K for Haiti” Sponsor a female student at HAC