The Top 10 things Lewis & Clark learned about XXXP and AAAP eXtreme eXploration eXpedition Projects Aggressive American Agile Projects
#10: Have a Sponsor It helps if it’s the President. Corollary: The Sponsor ALWAYS underestimates resource requirements and costs; –Originally TJ proposed men and $2500 –Final costs were 33+ men and $38,722 Corollary #2: The project goals are ALWAYS impossible. There is no western waterway from Saint Louis to the Pacific.
#9: Pair Paddling Lewis AND Clark 3 is OK
#8: Iterative Development Major waypoint at Fort Mandan. Pacific Ocean was only the halfway point.
#7: Co-location Other than an occasional scouting trip, the team spent every living moment together. Even when they outsourced some of this to the Indians, the Indians were co- located.
#6: Start with a plan
#5: Simple Design Follow the river
#4: Responding to Change over Following a Plan Oh s#!%, a mountain
#3: Hire a Consultant/Coach Where would they have been without Sakakawea?
#2: Test First
#1: Sometimes you just can’t avoid a waterfall