PCC Labor and Delivery
1073 Oak Street Between the Family Birth Center (brick building after Center for Outpt Medicine) and the Salem Hospital Psychiatric Unit Small building Very limited parking
Tuesdays All other days Consider walking out with someone else or calling hospital security
No uniform! Must have CCC photo ID Nice jeans ok Shirt with collar Comfortable shoes
Verification form Pen Something to write on Mental status assessment guide (optional) Something to study during down time Dinner or money
Do S-O-A-P chart Subjective Past Medical History Current complaint General status, if known
Describe physical appearance Orientation Psychomotor Verbal Social behavior Mood and Effect
Intellectual functioning Insight Judgment Memory Thought content
Salem Hospital – go directly to unit, don’t meet in lobby Silverton Hospital Patient permission There to observe Be helpful to staff Shifts are 12 hours Hospital Scrubs
This info is on mom only
Subjective Mom’s age Due date (EDC) and Gestational age (EGA) Gravida, Para, TAB/SAB When prenatal care started Attended birthing classes? Coach/support person Height/weight and vital signs Last oral intake
Subjective Substance abuse? Herpes? Smoker? Abuse (sexual/emotional/physical) Pregnancy history – current and past
Objective Heart/lungs Abdomen (note fundal heighth) Extremities Reflexes Any noted abnormalities
Pertinent info can be charted in flow chart Membranes intact? When ruptured? Vaginal bleeding? Fetal heart tones (FHT) and where heard
Can do in the flow chart section Time of birth Gender, weight, length Any resuscitation done What initial exam revealed Apgar score
Call Rhonda if any issues Pager Cell Home OK to start IVs when in OB If intubation opportunity for tubal ligation, OK with permission of anesthesiologist Do not ask permission to intubate C Sections