frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union B-19 Country Club, Uccle, Brussels 22 nd -24 th July 2015
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Overview 1.Project Deliverables 2.Deliverables’ approval process 3.Payment 4.Book-Keeping
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Good Administration is Key! Project Deliverables need to be linked to: –Inception phase –Development phase –Deployment phase
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Commercial & Technical Committee Key Actors in the Grant Cycle Commercial & Technical Coaches 2 3 Grant Management Committee (GMC) Secretariat 4 Grantee 1 Grant Management Committee (GMC) 5
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Approval Process Deliverable Coach No1 Yes Feedback GMC Payment Yes NO PAYMENT No c c
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Deliverable Submission & Approval Procedure 1.Grantee Submits Deliverable to Coach for review and approval: a.Del. OK - Coach approves and signs SoA b.Del. Needs Improvement – Coach returns to Grantee –Grantee works on Del. and re-sends deliverable for approval 2.Where Del. approved, Grantee uploads following 3 documents for the Grant Mngt Secretariat : a. Deliverable b. SoA c.PRF.
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Coaches Roles & Responsibilities 1.Your Coach(es) will review the Deliverable(s) will request changes or modifications if needed. 2.When satisfied with the quality of the Deliverable your Coach will sign the SoA
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Commercial and Technical Committee 1.Comprises three experts, from the frontierCities Consortium. 1.will be convened only when a coach does not approve a deliverable. 2.Review the deliverable and make a recommendation to the GMC, on whether the deliverable should be accepted or not. 3.The GMC, on the basis of the recommendation, will make a decision on the grantees continued participation in frontierCities.
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Documentation Deliverable Denial Statement (DDS) Payment Executed Statement (PES) Deliverable Approval Statement (DAS) 1 2 3
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Grant Management Committee (GMC) Secretariat 1.The liaising entity between the Grantees, the Coaches and the Grant Management Committee All documentation to be sent to the GMC Secretariat. 2.Documentation is received by and uploaded on Project’s 3.After the review the GMC Secretariat will send the DAS or DDS. DDS will be accompanied by a feedback sheet, detailing key requested changes. 4.PES will be sent to notify the grantee that payment has been made.
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp GMC Responsibilities 1.Responsible for final decision. Secretariat forwards the relevant documentation to the GMC members. 2.GMC reviews the documentation and makes a collective decision. 3.If the deliverable is rejected = feedback sheet will be issued to the grantee.
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp Deliverables & Payments a. Deliverables assigned to deadlines DeadlineDel Submission DatePayment amount Inception31/08 (M1)20% Development 1.A15/10 (M3)15% Development 1.B15/12 (M5)15% Development 215/12 (M5)10% Deployment 1.A15/02 (M7)10% Deployment 1.B15/04 (M9)10% Deployment 215/04 (M9)5% Final report1 month after project end15% is amount is withheld until after final payment made by the commission
frontierCities – Grantee Mobilisation Bootcamp