Project IZIP European Health Forum Gastein 2002
2 IZIP – Internet Access to Patient’s Medical Information medical record on the internet set of objective medical data about the patient on the internet available at any time (through a computer with internet access) created upon patient’s request
3 IZIP – Internet Access to Patient’s Medical Information operated by the company IZIP, Ltd. Prague created by physicians Dr. Hronek, Dr. Cabrnoch, Dr. Ouzký
4 General Practitioner Implementation of the IZIP System Patient Specialist Complement Specialist
5 IZIP May Contain case history (anamnesis) therapy advancement results of laboratory tests and examinations overview of medicaments X-ray, sonograph pictures etc. it does not replace regular documentation in medical institutions
6 Benefits for the Patient change in patient’s role – from a passive subject of decisions to a decision-making subject who shares the responsibility reduced risk of unnecessary examinations and jobs reduced risk of prescription of unsuitable medicaments boosts chances of lifesaving
7 Benefits for the Doctor better communication with the patient immediate information on the performed health care (anamnesis, examinations, hospitalization, medicaments) immediate availability of all results of examinations better communication between individual doctors and other health care providers faster, better and cheaper decision making
8 Benefits for the Health System faster diagnostics and treatment process more efficient utilization of financial resources allocated to health system intercepts the provision of redundant health care unnecessary duplication of examinations unnecessary prescription of medicaments (medicaments have been already prescribed, improper combinations,..)
12 “Emergency” Access designed for emergency situations the doctor receives a special access code –identification of the patient through the personal identification number (birth number) –patient’s records available without patient’s consent –a thorough record is kept on the access followed by a revision of the justification of unauthorized access not implemented in the pilot project phase
13 Access Rights write –all health care providers integrated into the IZIP system the identification of the writer is always clear read –patient only –registering doctor, other health care staff and others only with patient’s consent
14 Data Security comparable with bank account security access code known only to the patient the option to set up another password the access is blocked after three unsuccessful attempts secured servers are under constant supervision approved by the Authority for Personal Data Security
15 Project Partners General Health Insurance Fund of the Czech Republic –general partner, 2-year exclusivity IBM - hardware, software, data security Czech Telecom - connection, ISDN Eurotel - mobile connection, telephones KB – account administration
16 Project Council project management advisory body secures project transparency representatives –project partners –organization of patients –organization of doctors and pharmacists –Ministry of Health Care –First Medical Faculty of the Charles University, Prague –Czech Olympic Committee –...
17 Pilot Project Phase started in February 2002 districts of Beroun, Benešov, Jičín, Rokycany over 300 doctors involved –general practitioners, ambulance specialists
18 Objectives of the Pilot Phase verify the functions of the IZIP system applications in real operation gain experience with the attitude of specialists as well as common people to the IZIP system supply quality information about the IZIP project to the wide expert community obtain information about the technological background of Internet medical facilities
19 Objectives of the Pilot Phase verify the impact of the utilization of the iZIP system onto the Doctor – Patient relationship, relationships between health care providers, the approach of citizens to health, health care and medical services initiate the verification of the impact of the utilization of the iZIP system onto the quality of health care and efficiency of utilization of resources allocated to health care coverage
20 Results of Investigation in Pilot Districts Do you use a computer for your work?
21 Results of Investigation in Pilot Districts Do you have internet access?
22 Results of Investigation in Pilot Districts Is the IZIP project interesting for you?
23 The IZIP Clients in the Czech Republic