1 The Global Compact The Global Compact in Egypt
2 Outline The process of launching the GC in Egypt Lessons learnt from the Egyptian experience Outline
3 The Global Compact in Egypt The Process undertaken in Egypt in 4 steps: Created a steering committee 1 Carried out Pre-launch Activities 2 Organized Official Launch 3 Implementing Post-launch Activities 4
4 The Global Compact in Egypt The Process undertaken in Egypt in 4 steps: Created a steering committee 1 Carried out Pre-launch Activities 2 Organized Official Launch 3 Implementing Post-launch Activities 4
5 Step 1: Created a steering committee Creation of a steering committee The initial decision of membership was based on: Recommendations from the GC Office The experience of UN agencies with some companies The idea that all identified actors of the GC should be represented. The work of Pioneer actors (businessmen/federations) Other players with high potential for leverage in the country Representation of civil society, private sector, government, academic institution
6 Step 1: Created a steering committee Role of the steering committee Defined the overall strategy for: The pre-launch activities The format of the launch The aftermath of the launch Supported technically and financially the activities: Workshops Media work Background analysis ….
7 The Global Compact in Egypt The Process undertaken in Egypt in 4 steps: Created a steering committee 1 Carried out Pre-launch Activities 2 Organized Official Launch 3 Implementing Post-launch Activities 4
8 Step 2: Carried out Pre- launch Activities Pre-launch activities Understand the context: Background analysis Create awareness: 2 Workshops OVD focus on Corporate Volunteerism Articles in the media Media Press briefings before launch Creation of a website of a GC Egypt Website Creation of Arabic brochures customized for Egypt Recruit companies to join Focus on explaining the initiative and explain why they should join
9 Step 2: Carried out Pre- launch Activities Necessary Resources People: % of one focal point for a year + 25% of a programme assistant. For the launch: Internal Task Force and dedicated budget Funds: Funds and in kind contributions come from companies and steering committee members Minor Contributions of UNRC budget (background analysis) Technical Support: from steering committee members
10 The Global Compact in Egypt The Process undertaken in Egypt in 4 steps: Created a steering committee 1 Carried out Pre-launch Activities 2 Organized Official Launch 3 Implementing Post-launch Activities 4
11 Step 3: Organized Official Launch The launch in Egypt – basic facts Date: 9 February 2004, after a year of sensitization Venue: Federation of Egyptian Industries Participants: 200 participants including Mr. Iqbal Riza, Chief of cabinet of Kofi Annan Agenda: Official opening session followed by a press conference and 2 working sessions. Overall Budget: 7000 USD (excluding time of staff of the Task Force)
12 The Global Compact in Egypt The Process undertaken in Egypt in 4 steps: Created a steering committee 1 Carried out Pre-launch Activities 2 Organized Official Launch 3 Implementing Post-launch Activities 4
13 Step 4: Implement Post- launch Activities Next steps: Follow up activities Awareness campaign through: Sensitization Workshops (Arab German chamber of commerce; Workshops at Local Chambers of Commerce, Cairo University …) Media partnerships Activities carried out by companies Implementing the Nine principles Corporate Volunteerism with the UNVs Partnership Projects Between UNDP and companies (TAGO, Vodafone,…)
14 Outline The process of launching the GC in Egypt Lessons learnt from the Egyptian experience Outline
15 Lessons Learnt Why should companies join ? The vision of the entrepreneur The societal gains The communication benefits The financial benefits DEFINE & HIGHLIGHT THE BENEFITS FOR A COMPANY TO GET INTO PARTNERSHIP ! What do we ask them to do ? Implementation of the 9 principles Partnership projects as a main modality Development, not charity ? Services to offer? BE CLEAR ON THE OUTCOME !
16 Lessons Learnt How do we monitor companies? Mistrust between stakeholders On the basis of which criteria ? Role of the media THINK TWICE ! … and how much this will cost? Resources of local networks RM strategy, an excellent entry point BE READY FOR A LONG BUT REWARDING WALK !