Technology Update TSAG Meeting 12/12/02
Announcements: Campus Operations Center: Holiday Hours Christmas: 12/22-1/1 8am-5pm Coverage On Call Coverage: 11/28, 12/25/, 1/1 Directory Authentication for Peoplesoft HR/FN (January 13) Campus UID, Address, or Peoplesoft Operator ID Directory Authentication for (Spring) Experimental IRC Helpdesk chat room is disbanded! IPX and Appletalk being phased out. VPN is in production! Voice/IP Change Over (January 18)
Updates SPAM Control -versus- Censorship: TSAG and ATC agree, it’s a client-side issue. Disaster Recovery Plans (January Test) SMTP auth(entication) Fact: SPAM is generated on campus! We need to require authentication for the sending of all e- mail (even intra-campus )! A&F, Housing, and ITR already require SMTP auth for intercampus . Many, but not all, areas have responded. On __?___, the entire campus will require authentication for sending of all .
(Adjusted) Mail Architecture petrel alpha admsrvcs Anti-virus Director Content Filter smtp smtp_internal smtp_notify smtp_externel mx=10 “smtp_external” mx=20 “smtp_backup” mx=30 “smtp.ecs.” | “smtp” Off-Campus Antispam parrot root mail
Firewalls and ACLs Initial Goal (defining Internet Servers): To deploy a Firewall around the Campus in which only “Internet Servers” are accessible from off-campus. Next Phase (defining Campus Servers): To deploy ACLs around subsections of the Campus in which only “Campus Servers” are accessible from all areas of the campus Off-Campus Access to Campus Servers via the VPN Timing: TII Impact Getting Information from units
TII (Stage 2): Begins January Firewalls Old Routers Cisco Routers West EdQ Anh Internet Local Switches/Devices
Upcoming Edge ACL Changes Block all inbound network connections: to host within the range: * *.254 Block all inbound network connections for the protocols: telnet, smtp*, imap*, pop* (and the ssl related ports) * Only exceptions are the previously defined mail servers. Target date: starting December 13 Your task: Provide input. (Only one unit has done so!) Next step: Block all inbound connections to non-Internet Servers. Your task: Provide a list of all you Internet Servers to me. (Even if you requested ACLs, etc. in the past.)
Policies and IT Standards New Policies Approved by Cabinent Disk and Policy Campus Account Policy Endorsed by ATC: CSUN Security Policy Unauthorized Policy Under review: Copyright Material Confidential Information Role of TSAG in the consultative process? (feedback!)
Desktop Standards Why Standards? To reduce the complexity of the system To ensure the Campus community uses the appropriate technology to support the work of the students, faculty, and staff via a secure, reliable method. To educate the faculty and administration on the rational of the standards and gain support To develop transition plans (locally and campus-wide) to adopt new and phase-out old technology TSAG’s task/role? Develop and recommend standards and best practices One size will not fit all! What is the status of the various TSAG subcommittee’s