Science, research and development European Commission KA 5 : Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture 105 proposals submitted to stage 1 evaluation 97 Shared cost projects & 1 mixed project (93.3 %) 4 Concerted Actions & 3 thematic networks (6.7 %) 97 proposals evaluated + 3 Not Eligible (2.9 %) 5 proposals rejected as not anonymous (4.8 %) fewer problems of eligibility than in previous calls To stage 2 (27/105) 26% Overall success (25/105) 24 % 24 shared costs passed to stage 2 (25 %) 3 CA or TN passed to stage 2 (43 %) Stage 1: 55 experts in 3 pools (week 47 to 49) Stage 2 : pool of 14 experts - 7 from stage 1 (week 2)
Science, research and development European Commission KA 5 : Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture Environment & fisheries interactions : 13 proposals (0 CA) - 2 to stage 2 (15.4 %) Environment & aquaculture interactions : 8 proposals (0 CA) - 2 to stage 2 (25 %) Scientific basis of fisheries management 32 proposals (1 CA) - 8 to stage 2 (25 %) Aquaculture genetics : 14 proposals (0 CA) - 5 to stage 2 (35.7 %) Aquaculture general: 24 proposals (1 CA, 1 TN) - 3 to stage 2 (12.5 %) Monitoring & enforcement of the CFP 6 proposals (1 CA, 1 Mix) - 2 to stage 2 (33.3 %) Social & economic basis of the CFP 8 proposals (1 CA, 1 TN) - 5 to stage 2 (62.5 %)
Science, research and development European Commission FISHERIES & AQUACULTURE Expert ranked list assessment (25 proposals) Relevant KA priorities served Aqua./Fish. balance (1/3 -2/3) 3 Mediterranean proposals Successful props. in all areas Environmental interactions/ Fish. (2prop.) /Aqua (2 prop.) Fish. Management (7 prop. with 2 acoustic methods) Aquaculture (3 general + 4 genetics - Salmon & seabass) VMS & traceability in 5 props. in (Soc-eco) with 1 on ICZM (5.5.1) Major shortcomings Only 2 CA & 1 TN (11%) Some proposals not well targeted on call priorities Nothing on gear selectivity Limited relevance to CFP 1233, 1836 of little use 2 rejections (1534, 1298) in stage 2 (< 3.50) despite CFP relevance
Science, research and development European Commission FISHERIES & AQUACULTURE Overall assessment (105 proposals) Relevant KA priorities served balance between areas interactions (11% +8%) management (30%) aquaculture (13% + 23%) Monitoring (6%) Socio-economics (8%) genome mapping of 2 Medit. Species stock identification methods for cod & herring improved survey methods (trawl & acoustics) Essential gaps 6.7% CA but 43% success rate Call priorities better targeted (no proposal out of scope) Lack of multi-disciplinarity or insufficient integration relevant proposals often of insufficient scientific quality Lack of information on methodologies Lack of risk assessment 5 unsuccessful proposals on gear/benthos impacts
Science, research and development European Commission Sustainable fisheries: Anticipated deliverables Objective information in support of policy orientations and Community measures (CFP) Development of tools & methods to foster, assess, measure and monitor fisheries competitiveness & sustainability to anticipate the CFP needs for adaptation to reduce negative impacts on the environment to enhance societal benefits Assessment of the effectiveness of these tools, methods and policy instruments