Purpose of this pack Outline progress on the tool to drive ‘Connecting People’ locality planning Set out the draft model and stages Outline key issues and next steps
Background – Locality Planning and Whole Systems approach Connecting People – a recognition that we need to do ‘whatever it takes’ to seize the opportunity LAA process identified key cross cutting issues and need for ‘whole system’ thinking Some new drivers –Economic opportunities –‘Aspirations’ –‘Virtual Team’ & Intensive area management – City Strategy – Strategic Commissioning – More with the same/less
Key assumptions Focusing on the ‘wicked issues’ – complex, resilient… The whole system in the room ‘Real time’ modelling – engaging and energetic Different stakeholder perspectives A common, adaptable process Use of basis of Results Based Accountability, Strategic Commissioning and ‘Design Experiments’ Rolling processes up where possible
Proposed model in outline STAGE A: Problem analysis STAGE B: System analysis STAGE C: Action Planning STAGE D: Trialling change Understand the problem in breadth, depth, past, present and future. Understanding who’s problem it is and why. Understand our current approach to the issue in detail and ‘end to end’. Map stakeholder engagement ‘Set up the problem’ in system terms. Understand ‘what works’. Developing a plausible ‘end to end’ cross partnership response to the problem in its local context. Test new model in locality with ‘control area’. Assess impact. Roll out what works.
Stakeholder perspectives: ‘whole system in the room’ Customers/residents ‘The Virtual Team’ The Partnership Stage A: Problem Analysis A collective and balanced view Stage conclusions Stakeholders
Stage A: Problem Analysis What is the problem and why is it important? What are the effects of the problem for the area, families, individuals, organisations? 1. Stakeholder engagement. Project Cycle Management problem analysis. What is the baseline in the area (historical trend, current position and projected future) 2. Data gathering and projections What is the story behind the baseline?(the local history, dynamics, perceptions) 3. Stakeholder engagement. Project Cycle Management problem analysis. TasksMethod
Stage B: System Analysis Who has a stake and why? Who are the key individuals and organisations and how engaged are they? (Different spatial levels). 1. Stakeholder analysis (power/engagement matrix TasksMethod What do we do about the issue now? What is the customer experience? 2. Asses to Strategic Commissioning stages. Stakeholder engagement. Conclusions. What are the stakeholder and system issues? What can and can’t we change? LAA Enabling measures? 3. Collation of findings
1. Intelligence 2. Strategy and planning 3.Purchasing/procurement4. Service delivery 5.Performance review GOVERNANCE Strategic commissioning cycle Market development Promotion
Stage C: Action Planning What should we change? (Now, Soon, Later) 1. Assess feasible, desirable, acceptable? Timelining. TasksMethod What do we need to do to get started? Who does what? 2. Implementation planning. Project management methods. 3. Stage D: Changing
Key issues Developing detailed methods Facilitation Selecting the issues Breadth of engagement and analysis Rolling in other LSP cross cutting issues?
Next steps Agree areas and issues Management group and teams Facilitators Awareness, engagement, permissions Getting started asap!