LBA-DIS Working Group Report LBA Science Steering Committee Meeting Cuiabá - MT May 15-17, 2003 Luiz M. Horta
LBA DIS WG Topics Data Registration / Archive Status Analyzing Strategies That are Working Prescription for Improving Data Policy Compliance LBA-DIS WG Priorities Data Archive Issues System Update LBA home page redesign Cloning LBA Metadata Editor and Beija-flor System
LBA Overall Status: Metadata Registered in Beija-flor Net: 38 (6.4%)
LBA Overall Status: Data Volume Archived at LBA-DIS / CPTEC Net: 54.5 Gb (221 %) Gb added last week + 5Gb from NP
Caution! If current trend continues, additional hard disk space will be needed shortly at CPTEC. Cost for added 100 G bytes: - under $1000 (if bought in US) - about $4300 (if bought in Brazil) My recommendation: get 200 Gbytes
LBA Component Status ConCon N=27 (9 of 17 Teams contributing) N=73 (12 of 16 Teams contributing) N=468 (57 of 62 Teams contributing)
Projects with NOTHING registered!
Projects with only posters registered
Though US-BR performance could still be improved, … something is being done right!
What’s being done that is generating these positive results? Data-related requirements are communicated via many media: web site, science team meetings, business meetings, demo’s, , one-on-one, brochures, etc. Full-time LBA-ECO Data Coordinator is dedicated to LBA- ECO data management / LBA DIS functions, i.e. the “front line” between the investigator and the DIS LBA-ECO Project Management emphasizes at every opportunity that data must be made public according to LBA and NASA data policies
LBA-ECO Data Coordinator* Role Monitors data registration in Beija-flor & performs metadata QA Works one-on-one with PI’s to ensure that data are submitted to LBA DIS & NASA archive according to data policy Coordinates with LBA DIS Manager / LBA DIS Working Group to ensure that LBA-ECO procedures are consistent with LBA overall goals Crucial for Success Data Coordinator is firmly backed by Project Scientist, Project Office and Project Management *Similar role proposed for BR and BR-EU projects
How to Improve LBA DIS Compliance for Brazil and BR/EU? Assign a part-time (>=25%) person to perform a role similar to LBA-ECO’s Data Coordinator Why? Gives LBA DIS a “face” and Makes it much more difficult for people to ignore their LBA DIS responsibilities
Proposed Task List for Staff Person Make phone calls to PI’s Assist with use of LBA DIS tools (LME, Beija-flor) Perform metadata review Make sure data are sent to archive Make sure data are available online
Real requesting LBA data…
LBA-DIS WG Priorities - Data Acquisition for Archive - BR & EU/BR projects whose funding is complete Data from LBA Phase 1 teams who were not renewed Posters – Hypothesis: Many LBA posters represent a data activity. If true, those data should become part of LBA- DIS Publications – Hypothesis: Most LBA pubs represent a data collection or data integration activity. If true, those data should become part of LBA DIS Effort to correlate Publications with data in LBA DIS (and add bibliographic citation to metadata) Will help Project Management track publications Peer-reviewed pubs can serve as data documentation
LBA-DIS WG Priorities - Archive Issues - Guiding Principles: All LBA final data will be archived at LBA DIS / CPTEC Selected LBA data will be archived at NASA’s ORNL DAAC as well as at CPTEC Reality: Resources are limited Data Set Documentation What are LBA’s documentation requirements? (unknown) What are NASA ORNL DAAC’s documentation requirements? (known) Will LBA-ECO adopt these standards “in toto” (to be determined)?
Archive Issues: Documentation LBA-ECO Archive Review Panel will be established Will consist of representatives from the science team, i.e. peers Will decide which standards are appropriate and reasonable for LBA-ECO data Will decide which LBA data will be archived at NASA DAAC What will it cost to meet these standards? ORNL developed a tool to help PI’s prepare data set documentation to archive standards – tool still in review ORNL is using the tool to document 19 LBA regional data sets (subsets of global data) for archive LBA-ECO is preparing “prototype” data sets to submit to ORNL for archive Will provide useful input to Archive Review Panel Will help evaluate the level of effort, i.e. resources
Archive Issues: Documentation - Implications for LBA - If LBA adopts LBA-ECO’s archive requirements for all of LBA… Who will assess whether data sets and documentation meet criteria? Who will retrofit documentation for projects whose funding is over? Will LBA impose project-level data quality standards, i.e. not just documentation standards? If LBA accepts all data for archive “as is”, will all data be available for distribution to the public? (even data of known poor quality? Data with no documentation at all?)
Archive Issues: Data Quality Dealing with data of mixed quality Separate verified high-quality data from data of unknown quality Different archive directories? Data quality certification flag? Perhaps at data set level? Allow public access only to data of known high quality? Allow public access to all data, but provide indicator of data quality? Determining quality levels Assume that data associated with publications (peer- reviewed journals) is high quality? Peer review to assign a quality score? Checklist of quality checks provided by PI?
LBA-DIS System Update Manaus node (at INPA) became operational on January 2003 : Improved/user-friendly GUI interfaces for Metadata Editor and Beija-flor Systems LBA web page changes proposed in November are being addressed now that LBA Central Office transition is further along.
Current LBA-DIS Node Configuration New Nodes: -CENA/Piracicaba -IAG/USP São Paulo -INPA/Manaus
Proposed LBA Home Page In design phase…
Cloning LBA LME/Beija-flor The LBA-DIS WG is investigating the possibility of cloning the LBA Metadata Editor and Beija-flor search systems for use by other research groups not formally affiliated with LBA –will increase the availability of related scientific data to LBA research community –will happen at no expense to LBA
Please remember to submit your SSC Presentation to LBA-DIS. THANK YOU!