End of Grade Test Understanding the Score Report
EOG Background The EOG is given to students in grades 3-8. The test has two parts: Reading Comprehension and Math. Given over a three day period: Reading Comprehension, Math Calculator Inactive, and Math Calculator Active. This test is aligned to the NCSCS.
Features of the Score Report Scale Score Developmental Scale Score Level Description of the Achievement Level Graph of Student Performance as it Relates to school, school system, and state. Percentile Rank Reading Categories Number of Questions Student’s Lexile Score Gateways (grades 3, 5, and 8) NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
Scale Score A student’s raw score is converted to a developmental scale score. This score is used to compare the student’s end-of-grade scores from one year to the next. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
Achievement Levels There are four achievement levels in relation to the scale score. The levels range from Level I through Level IV. Levels III and IV are indicators of mastery of skills for that grade. These are predetermined performance standards that allow for comparison of performance to grade level expectations. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
Percentile Rank The percentile compares the student’s performance to all other North Carolina students who took the test in the “norming year”. This rank shows that the student performed at a level equal to or better than the stated percent of students. The higher the percentile, the better a student performed in relation to other students in that grade. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
Reading Categories/Math Goals The reading comprehension report list the reading categories which show the types of items on the reading test. The math report list the math goals from the four mathematics strands. Note that the report does not show how many problems the student missed in each area, only the number of problems that are included on the test for that category or strand. This makes planning for future instruction difficult. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
Reading Categories 1.Cognition- initial strategies a reader uses to understand the selection. Refers to the purpose and organization of the selection. Includes the application of context clues to determine meaning, summarizing, and identifying the purpose of text features. 2.Interpretation- requires the reader to develop a more complete understanding of the text. It may ask students to clarify, explain the significance, extend, and adapt ideas. 3.Critical Stance- refers to questions that ask the reader to look at the selection objectively. This requires the reader to apply processes like comparing/contrasting and understanding the impact of literary elements. 4.Connections- refers to connecting knowledge from selection to other information and experiences. Requires the reader to relate the selection to events outside the story. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
Math Strands 1.Number Sense, Numeration and Numerical Operations 2.Spatial Sense, Measurement, and Geometry 3.Patterns, Relationships, and Functions 4.Data, Probability, and Statistics NCSCS, NCDPI Division of Accountability Services
References Understanding the Individual Score Report for the North Carolina End of Grade Tests- Grades 3, 4, and 5. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services 2005 Pretest –Grade 3 Reading Comprehension & Mathematics. June 20, 2005; Vol. 10, No. 1. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services. Understanding the North Carolina End of Grade Testing. March 1, 2004; Volume 5, No. 3. NCDPI Division of Accountability Services