Harvie Elementary School Improvement Plan By: Kristine Lara, Christopher Martinez, Amy Peterman, and Melinda Hammond
State Accreditation Results for All Students (1 year)
State Accreditation Results for All Students (3 year average)
Data for Male and female students *For the school year, female students at Harvie elementary school scored significantly higher in reading than in math. Reading was 82% and math was 62%. The male students also did significantly better in reading than in math. Reading was 75% and math was 60%. *For the school year, female students scored 51% in reading and 60% in math. Male students scored 45% in reading and 54% in math. There was a significant drop in reading from because of a more rigorous released SOL reading test. *For the school year, female students scored 58% in reading and 70% in math. Male students scored 55 % in reading and 65% in math.
Proficiency Gap Dashboard for Federal Accountability Annual Measureable Objectives (AMOs) Gap Group 1 – Students with Disabilities, English language Learners, Economically Disadvantaged Students (unduplicated) Gap Group 2 – Black Students Gap Group 3 – Hispanic Students
AMO Data White, Black, and Hispanic/Latino students Harvie Elementary School does not have enough white, or Hispanic students to register for federal AMOs Gap Group 2 – Black Students: -Reading AMO Target was 57% and Harvie’s result was 58% -Therefore, they met the AMO for reading in Math AMO Target was 56% and Harvie’s result was 69%. -Therefore, they met the AMO for math in
AMO Data Students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, and Limited English proficient students: Harvie Elementary School does not have enough LEP students to register for federal AMOs Gap Group 1 – Economically Disadvantaged and Students with disabilities: -Reading AMO Target was 59% and Harvie’s result was 56%. -Therefore, we met accreditation under the federal guideline of R10 (which is met objective by reducing failure rate by 10%). -Math AMO Target was 57% and Harvie’s result was 63%. -Therefore, they met the AMO for math in
Annual Measurable Objectives Reading –
Annual Measurable Objectives Mathematics –
Plan for Improving Student Success 1.Small group differentiated reading instruction based on Beverly Tyner reading model. 2.Based on strands from the previous SPBQs, teachers will include: 3.Title I coaching and intervention support. 4.Bi-Weekly and Quarterly Assessments using Interactive Achievement. 5.I/E block for remediation and enrichment 6.Implementation of RtI (Response to Intervention)
Proposal for evaluation of your school improvement plan. Evaluation of our school improvement plan, will be bi-weekly assessments, benchmarks, and end of the year SOL tests. Teachers will provide bi-weekly data to analyze and plan instructional strategies. Administrators will monitor and evaluate teacher’s weekly data spreadsheets and lesson plans.