Research task 1 By James Cheng
Genre Genre began in ancient Greece as an absolute classification system of their literature. From that beginning it has evolved into a classification model for many forms of Media and entertainment. It normally implies to the content of the media (film, music, Game, etc.) and covers everything from content matter to style and form. The Thriller Genre is normally recognisable by its use of suspension, tension and excitement in order to stimulate the viewers moods. Thrillers normally follow a three act structure of Equilibrium, disruption and then a new Equilibrium. It normally begins with the protagonist’s life being disrupted by an obstacle placed, on average by the antagonist, in their way. This could take the form of a mission or a puzzle that the protagonist is forced to complete, by threat of death, theirs or someone they know. As a result of them dealing with this disruption they cause the new-equilibrium to come about. This new equilibrium doesn't need to be the same as the one at the beginning as the character’s life has been irreparable changed, But they normally are upbeat endings to the story. The Audience Expectations of a thriller film is to provide a sudden rush of emotions such as excitement and exhilaration through good use of suspense and tension.
A Brief timeline of the Genre 1926 The Lodger 2000 Memento 1931 M 1944 Gaslight 1946 The Spiral staircase 1951 Strangers on a train 1958 Touch of evil 1960 Psycho 1972 Frenzy 1989 Dead calm 1991 The silence of the lambs
The Subgenres of the Thriller Genre The Subgenres of the thriller Genre are: 1.Conspiracy: Protagonist finds themselves in the middle of a conspiracy which they ultimately cause the failure off. 2.Crime: Crime thrillers normally are centred around the criminals as their protagonists, who’s heist or crimes either succeed or fail. 3.Disaster: Normally follows a group of survivors after or during a natural or man-made disaster who struggle to survive the situation. 4.Mystery: Characterised with the Protagonist (normally a police officer) racing to solve a mystery before (more) people die. 5.Political: 6.Psychological: 7.Religious: 8.Supernatural: 9.Techno: