Moscow, October 15 Unified State Examination – Choose Your Future Sergey Kravtsov, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science National Assessment in Russia
EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION IN RUSSIA Primary school National Monitoring Research Secondary school Upper secondary school Evaluation of educators (teachers and principals) State Final Examination (SFE-GIA9) Unified State Examination (USE, GIA11- EGE) National monitoring National tests 2 National monitoring National tests
Objective and transparent evaluation Social mobility (regardless of location and social status, graduates can enter institutions of higher learning) Access to education (special conditions for people with health limitations) KEY CHALLENGES 3
SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS IN RUSSIA GIA 9 – basic form of compulsory exam after 9th grade, secondary school in Russia EGE – high school final and university entrance exam taken upon completion of 11 th grade. Introduced in
STATE FINAL EXAMINATION (GIA 9) Regional authorities are responsible for conducting the state final examination Russian language and mathematics are mandatory to receive a certificate of Basic General Education Four exams required starting in 2016 (two exams selected by student) 55
Best results are shown in Russian and English languages: average score is 65,9 Key statistics:EGE regions of Russia 52 foreign countries where Russian citizens live 5700 exam testing centers 725,000 graduates passed exam Over 50% chose social science as vocation-related subject 6
UNIFIED STATE EXAMINATION (EGE) 2 compulsory subjects – Russian, mathematics (basic and advanced) and elective subjects (minimum 1) Key procedural information: unified schedule (whole country takes test on same days) uniform rules standard application form (KIM) extended answer formats (trend away from multiple choice) written exam taken in Russian nationwide (except for foreign language exam) free registration for exam 77
8 UNIFIED STATE EXAMINATION (EGE) Security measures Ban on communication tools (e.g. phones, watches with internet access, tablets), inspection on entrance, metal detectors Video surveillance, special online portal Different exam exercises for various time zones, special delivery, printing of exam forms on the spot Inter-regional cross-grading Monitoring of social networks (tracking no exam materials have been posted) Awareness-raising campaign – posters, brochures /advice of psychologists /hotline Campaign 2014 – "For A Fair USE" Campaign 2015 – "USE – The Choice of the Future”
9 UNIFIED STATE EXAMINATION Operational Data Centre Videoconference with regions Video wall with online broadcast from the USE Operative information support, educational presentations Call-center Online observers
SPECIFICS OF THE UNIFIED STATE EXAMINATION Unified State Examination – both final and entrance exam Short or extended response questions Special conditions for people in hospitals and with health limitations Special exercises for blind and partially sighted people (braille) Online observers (over 2000) 10
11 OTHER ASSESSMENT TOOLS National tests Independent research on educational quality Participation in international researches (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS) Goals and objectives: Improve national system of educational assessment at every stage of the learning process Develop a common educational space in the Russian Federation Promote effective management in education 11