Click to edit Master subtitle style 11/10/11 Rosanna Radlinska-Tyma Raising attainment and aspirations at The Polish Integrative Saturday School in Bristol
11/10/11 Beginning January 2007 – Mr Wojciech Nowak decided to set up a new Polish Saturday School in Bristol; September 2007 – start. His aims: be inclusive of all faiths, family background, raising cultural awareness but at the same time to promote Polish language and culture Place: Woodward Community Centre in Fihsponds
11/10/11 School at present New premises at Begbrook Primary School 65 children enrolled aged classes 6 teachers 4 support teachers Own website, enrolment online Collaboration with many Polish and British institutions
11/10/11 Educate everybody Teachers’ CPD Constant contact with parents (register PINs, advice on the British school system and school reports → schools choice ) Collaboration with BCC and other institutions (local MP, Supplementary School co-ordinator project, Avon and Somerset Constabulary) Extra curricular activities
11/10/11 Vision Registered charity Own premises Bilingual state school’s status Life long learning „We teach them and we are taught by them”
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