Environment Online E N O 2000 – 2010 Mika Vanhanen.


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Presentation transcript:

Environment Online E N O 2000 – 2010 Mika Vanhanen

Why did it start? A need for an environmental education programme that has local and global points A need to utilize ICT in learning A need for interaction between schools Environment Online – ENO was created at Eno Primary school by teachers Mika Vanhanen and Urpo Ahlholm in 1999

ENO Concept Learning about environment through hands-on activities Sharing the results of learning during ENO Campaigns locally and globally Children and youth as ambassadors of environment A shared expertise and community involvement

Studied ENO Topics Based on different dimensions of sustainable development: ecological, economical, social and cultural Most favourite topics: forests, climate change, ecological footprint, water, cultural heritage

2000 Administrated by the Eno municipality Started as an umbrella project for NetDays Europe, supported by European Commission and National Board of Ed 50 schools from 30 countries Awards: III prize in EcoGallery Europe (Spain)

schools in 43 countries Chats between students, summaries of material available Awards: III prize in Childnet Awards, Washington DC

schools in 51 countries A finalist in the Stockholm Challenge Awards and Global Junior Challenge Awards (Rome) First ENO conference in Eno, July 2002

2003 ENO moved under the administration of the city of Joensuu 132 schools in 53 countries Schools started to do twinning projects Climate change was firstly introduced Awards: 1) Quality Prize in eLearning, Ministry of Education 2) Cyber Oscar in WSIS, Geneva

schools in 168 countries ENO Tree Planting Day first time in 21th of September 2004 Awards: WWF Panda Award ENO Conference in Mooiriver, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa

schools in 75 countries Memorandum of understanding with UNEP ENO joined Helsinki Conference Her Majesty Queen Noor and EU commissioner Margot Wallström joined ENO Mothers Network

schools in 90 countries Dr Jane Goodall joined ENO Mothers ENO Africa meeting in Finland Awards: Special mention in the Stockholm Challenge Awards A pledge of trees to UNEP’s Billion Tree Campaign

schools in 104 countries ENO Tree Planting Play was performed simultaneously at 200 schools in 65 countries 29th of May 2010 (in 40 languages) Over 1000 schools joined ENO Tree Planting Day in September and planted trees Awards: Winner of Global Junior Challenge Awards, Rome

schools in 122 countries trees planted ENO Conference in Finland, participants from 43 countries/ ENO Africa Declaration The launch of ENO 100 Million Trees by 2017 in June 2008

2009 Administrated by ENO Programme Association/ ENO- verkkokoulun tuki ry 3000 schools in 134 countries 3.5 million trees planted ENO Conference in Joensuu, Finland Awards: 1) Energy Globe Awards, Prague 2) Forestry Achievement 2009, Helsinki

2010 National ENO coordinators and secretaries in 134 countries National websites in 30 countries The first meeting of ENO Advisory Board Spread to 150 countries, schools take part Preparing for 2011, The international year of forests and conference in Finland

Another 10 years, how? We will work on that but need assistance from all of you. Together for sustainability.

A message from Jane Goodall