Workshop 6 Service Allocation Meetings in practice Debbie Leadbetter CAF Manager
Development CAF was introduced across Warrington through pilots at various locations Secondary schools x 2 Primary school Children’s Centre 3 of 4 pilot sites included a meeting where professionals could discuss assessments and seek advice from other professionals These ‘SAMs’ built on current good practice at the chosen secondary schools - MARD
Pilot findings Information shared without consent Few actions taken Poor attendance from partner services and reluctance to address the issues Professionals, particularly school staff, appreciated the chance to seek advice and guidance from other professionals Primary school without SAM pilot did less CAFs than other areas Unsure of process and support available from other services
Service Allocation Meetings Introduced across all areas in 2006 Designed to consider CAF assessments – ensures that consent is in place to share information Area managers from key agencies, including Social Care, Health, Integrated Youth Support Services, Inclusion and Children’s Centres attend There is one SAM in each area every 6 weeks CAF team administers and chairs each meeting
Service Allocation Meetings Introductions CAF assessor to present assessment Other agencies to ask questions and suggest support options Actions agreed CAF assessor or other professional to inform family of outcome from meeting Review previous minutes / cases – tracking.
Questions Further information about SAMs can be found online at: