Directions to purchase tickets online...
Step 1:Step 1: Go to You’ll come to a page showing the box below.
Step 2:Step 2: From the drop down menu, select, “ACS Hockey Fights Cancer Night – Feb 28 ”, as shown here: Step 2: From the drop down menu, select, “ACS Hockey Fights Cancer Night – Feb 28 ”, as shown here:
Step 3: In the field marked “Please enter Promo Code” you will enter “ACS14” Then, click Submit.
After submitting the information in steps 1-3 above, you’ll see a standard web form ( shown here ). In the “Company” field, enter the name of the Relay for Life team, or individual you’re supporting. Tickets purchased will help teams/individual relayers reach their fundraising goals! Complete this form as you would any other online purchase and CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just ordered your tickets! They will be available for pick up at will-call before the game. Thank you for your support! Thank you for your support!