28 APRIL 2015 Environmental Programmes PCEA Briefing job creation and new growth path
Outline Background – EPWP DEA EPWP job creation contribution DEA - Environmental Programmes EPWP Environment and Culture sector performance Demographics Environmental Sector Non-EPWP jobs Green Fund Conclusion
BACKGROUND WHY Structural unemployment & poverty identified as the most significant threats to S.A’s democracy. The objective of EPWP is to provide unemployed people with income suport through work opportunities, while providing assets and services using labour intensive methods. WHAT The GDS agreed that “EPWP can provide poverty & income relief through temporary work for the unemployed”. HOW EPWP will be designed to provide labour-intensive assets and service and sequip participants with work experience and skills, where applicable, to enhance their ability to earn a living. The objective of EAC: Build and protect South Africa’s natural resources and cultural heritage using labour intensive methods
ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES FOCUS AREASOUTCOMES 1. People & ParksTo increase access to protected areas for benefit sharing from use of indigenous resources 2. Working for LandRehabilitation of degraded land in order to improve and increase productivity 3. Wildlife EconomySustainable use of the wild life for economic developments 4. Greening & Open Space ManagementTo enhance and provide access to open spaces for recreational purpose 5. Working on WasteLess waste that is better managed 6. Working for the CoastImprove access, recreational and conservation of the coast line 7. Working for WaterTo improve the integrity of natural resources by managing the impact of established invasive alien species. Purpose: Implementation of expanded public works and green economy projects in the environmental sector through its 15 focus areas. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES
FOCUS AREASOUTCOMES 8. Working on FireTo prevent and minimise the impact of wild fires 9. Working for WetlandsRestoration of ecological infrastructure for water flow management 10. Working for ForestsProtection of integrity of the indigenous forest 11. Eco Furniture ProgrammeUse of Bio-mass for value added industries 12. Working for EnergyOptimal use of bio-mass for energy generation 13. Working for EcosystemsTo have intact ecological infrastructure, goods and services 14. Youth Environmental ServicesTo capacitate youth with relevant skills for employment in the environmental sector 15. Bio-securityTo prevent the introduction of alien invasive species
EPWP PERFORMANCE VS TARGETS PHASE IPHASE IIPHASE III TARGETActual%TARGETActual%TARGETActual% EPWP Overall Target & performance 1,000,0001,617,697162%4,500,0004,071,29290%6,000,000896,81115% Environment & Culture Sector Target vs performance 200,000467,720234%1,156,000817,58871%1,151,504170,42815% DEA Contribution-271,32158% -343,14042%75,088 56,27075%
DEMOGRAPHICS Work opportunities created YouthWomenPeople with disabilities EPWP Target DEA actual DEA % EPWP Target DEA actual DEA % EPWP Target DEA actual DEA % Phase I271,32140%114,42642%40%117,41043%2% 3, % Phase II343,14040%200,24258%55%162,04547%2% 5, % Phase III56,27055%39,38370%55%29,82353%2% 1, % TOTAL 670,73155%354,05153%55%309,27846%2%9, %
(2) Environmental Sector (EPWP Projects) 2015/16 R’ /17 R’ /18 R’000 Environmental Protection and Infrastructure Programme ( EPIP ) Baseline budget * -Incentives Baseline targets (Work Opportunities) * 18,69622,08020,618 -Incentives Targets(Work Opportunities)** 7,6987,72010,289 Natural Resource Management (NRM) Working on Fire -Projects -Incentives Baseline targets(Work Opportunities)* * 4, 5504, 732 -Incentives Targets(Work Opportunities)** 1, 5671, 6441, 733
(2) ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR (EPWP PROJECTS) 2015/16 R’ /17 R’ /18 R’000 Working for Water - Projects - Incentives Baseline targets(Work Opportunities)* * 24,83726,06325,305 -Incentives Targets(Work Opportunities)* 8,8029,4789,988 TOTAL Allocation for projects
Environmental Programmes: 5 years Performance and Estimates Performance Indicators 2013/142014/15 Estimate 2015/16 Estimate 2016/17 Estimate 2017/18 Number of wetlands under rehabilitation Number of Hectares of land under rehabilitation/ restoration Number of community parks created or rehabilitated Number of Kilometres of accessible coastline cleaned Number of accredited training person days created Number of SMMEs used (empowerment) Number of School Desk Equivalents Number of Environmental Monitors trained and deployed in conservation areas Number of initial hectares of invasive alien plants treated Number of follow-up hectares of invasive alien plants treated N/A
JOB CREATION WITHIN THE ENVIRONMENT SECTOR In 2012, the Environmental Sector Executive (MinMEC) and Technical (MinTech) Implementation Fora established Working Groups to deal with different environmental issues ~ 12 WGs; WG 6 focuses on job creation in the environmental sector; Consolidates information on EPWP job creation and non-EPWP job creation; Job creation framework to: – Define environmental sector job creation, in particular non-EPWP job creation – Coordinate non-EPWP job creation initiatives and reporting – Promote environmental sector job creation 2014/15 achievement: Targets: per annum
Non-EPWP job numbers per focus area Focus area Number Green Fund Industry specific (waste, air quality, environment) Capacity development Poverty alleviation 530 Donor funding 76 Total
Sphere of GovernmentNumber National Provincial412 Local13 Total Non-EPWP job numbers reported 2014/15
Objectives of the Green Fund To support initiatives that will contribute to South Africa’s transition to a low carbon, climate resilient, resource efficient development path. To address market weaknesses to transition to a green economy by: Promoting innovative and high impact green programmes and projects, Reinforcing climate policy objectives through green interventions, Building an evidence base for the expansion of the green economy, and Attracting additional resources to support South Africa’s green economy development. The Green Fund creates the space for catalytic financing
Green Fund Projects To date a total of 29 investment projects have been approved: – 18 projects are under implementation, – 7 projects are at various stages of contracting which are subjected to terms and conditions (includes 4 newly approved projects) – 3 projects were withdrawn and 1 project was cancelled as the projects failed to meet terms and conditions as per approval. It is projected that approximately of jobs will be created once the projects are fully implemented, noting that these are multiple year projects. Treasury has approved a new allocation of R590 million to 2018/2019
Financial report to date 31 March 2015 (commitments and disbursements for 2012/2013 to 2014/2015) ApprovedCommitmentsDisbursement Investment projects R R R Research and Policy Development R Capacity Building R R TotalR R R Notes: 1) Difference between total approvals and commitments are due to projects that have either been withdrawn/fallen of during contracting 2) Difference between total commitments and disbursements due to some projects being unable to take up all the funds committed during project implementation
Research and Policy Development Initiatives To inform policy imperatives, an evidence – based approach should be supported. A total of 16 research and policy development initiatives have been approved to a value of R million. The contracting of all 16 projects has been undertaken and funds allocated to the research & development initiatives have been fully disbursed. Expected dates of completion envisaged to be September 2015 – December 2015
Capacity Building Initiatives In order to assist in the transition to a green economy, the Green Fund supports strategic capacity building initiatives. A total of 8 capacity development projects were approved to a value of approximately R
Impact Economic Revenue streams – increase investment flows Private sector participation Opportunity for Sustainability – medium to long term Reduction on energy consumption Social Job creation Empowerment Skills transfer/capacity development Environmental Sustainable Environmental Management GHG carbon emission reduction Reduction on energy consumption Diversion of waste from landfill
Dept. of Environmental Affairs