The future of the social care workforce… Jill Manthorpe Social Care Workforce Research Unit King’s College London
Shape of the pool care homes (1) Increasing in number of beds Decreasing number of providers + market failures Geographical variations Understated nursing and palliative care roles Still women dominate – as staff and residents Minimum wage/wage compression Staff tenure (3yr average), turnover can be 50% High use of agency and migrant workers Stepping stone to NHS job or training Regulations re employment & training
Shape of the pool Cash for care (2) US demonstration projects found cash attracted eg family,friends, neighbours (Arkansas and New Jersey) but they worked unpaid also Issues about strain, respect, pay. agreements Cash flexibility also used for goods and equipment (Maryland) IBSEN evaluation to explore, Direct Payments relevant
Shape and number of the fish (1) Common issues NMDS – knowing the fish in the pool Increase size of pool, eg disability, migrants, under rep groups, + older people? Vetting and barring, role of workforce regulation Who pays/cost for continuing training and what is the impact? (FE?HE + numerous subsidies) Retention after training
Shape of fish (2) Specific issues Social workers (90k) increase number but higher demand u curve pattern adult – children split? change of social work role eg AMHP
Shape of fish (3) Specific issues Direct care workers Decline in middle age, unqualified women Role models and gender + diversity Workpaths of experts by experience eg STR Welfare reforms eg IB, A4Wk, New Deal 50+ Occupational swapping – little known
Herons ? Other low wage or transferable jobs NHS Sure Start, Connexions, housing, education Retail and service industry Employment with rights, less strain
Lilies ? Job satisfaction Higher in social care than many others eg accountants, teachers Always needed Roles changing and more technological support Increased awareness of HR and local market labour supply
Who is gardener? Role of Directors of Adult Services Local health and social care economy Relationships with Skills for Care Better partnerships with people using services?