05.10 Olympic Gods
ROMAN NAME- Jupiter GREEK NAME- Zeus DOMAIN- supreme god of Roman pantheon; god of thunder & sky SYMBOLS- eagle, thunderbolt, bull, & oak
ROMAN NAME ROMAN NAME Neptune GREEK NAME GREEK NAME Poseidon DOMAIN DOMAIN god of the Sea, horses, & earthquakes SYMBOLS SYMBOLS trident, dolphins, fresh water, horses
ROMAN NAME ROMAN NAME Pluto GREEK NAME GREEK NAME Hades DOMAIN DOMAIN God of the Underworld; judge of the dead SYMBOLS SYMBOLS scepter, helm of darkness, Cerebrus
----VESTA ---- ROMAN NAME VESTA DOMAIN goddess of hearth, home, & family GREEK NAME Hestia SYMBOLS sacred fire, plain wooden throne
ROMAN NAME Juno GREEK NAME Hera DOMAIN Goddess of women & marriage; Queen of the gods SYMBOLS peacock, cow, pomegranate Juno
MARS ROMAN NAME- Mars GREEK NAME- Ares DOMAIN- God of warfare & bloodshed SYMBOLS- Vulture, burning torch, spear
MINERVA ROMAN NAME –Minerva GREEK NAME – Athena DOMAIN – goddess of wisdom, warfare, medicine, & crafts SYMBOLS – owl
ROMAN NAME Apollo GREEK NAME ApolloDOMAIN god of the sun, truth, prophecy, archery, the artsSMYBOLS Lyre, bow & arrow, sun, swans
VENUS roman name | Venus greek name | Aphrodite domain | goddess of love & beauty symbols | myrtles, doves, sparrows, swans,
MERCURY roman name | Mercury greek name | Hermes domain | Messenger God of commerce, athletics, travelers symbols | winged sandals, caduceus, petasus [winged hat]
Roman name –Ceres Greek name –Demeter Domain –Goddess of grain, fertility Attributes –torch, corn, wheat
ROMAN NAME Vulcan GREEK NAME Hephaestus DOMAIN god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmiths, craftsmen, metallurgy SYMBOLS hammer, anvil, tongs, fire