Site Makeover You can find out a lot just by looking at the Web page in the browser
Potential Problems Having a (usually pointless) Flash intro on your site Embedding much of the text on your site into images, rather than relying on readable text Banking on flashy visuals to hide the fact that your site is light on content Using the wrong keywords
Solutions Kill the flash intro on your site Replacing images with real text Look at the HTML for the page and then see if you can find the actual words in the text
SEO Basics Using more keywords, search engines have a bias for content, for text they can read the more text — with the right keywords — the better Where keywords are placed and what they look like are also important Search engines use position and format as clues to relevance
More on Keywords Use particularly important keywords — those that people are using to search for your products and services — near the top of the page Place keywords into (heading) tags Use bold and italic keywords; search engines take note of this Put keywords into bulleted lists; search engines also take note of this Use keywords multiple times on a page
Index Shimdex, getting yours indexed Keywords in links are a powerful way to tell a search engine what your site is about. Having a popular website linking to yours is a way to get indexed in the engines
SEO Strategy Don’t rely on your Web designer to manage your SEO project PPC ads on the page Bold words on the page Bold words in the links (page titles). Complete phrases on the page
Targeted Keywords Go local. One common strategy is, of course, to focus on local keywords. If you’re a real estate agent, don’t target real estate. Instead, target real estate in your area: san diego realtor, chicago real estate, dallas homes for sale, and so on Focus on more specialized search terms. A realtor might target traffic on keywords related to commercial real estate, or condos, for instance Incorporate spelling mistakes. Some realtors target the very common misspelling realator or reality
Search Tail
SEO Variables Keywords Content Page optimization Submissions Links Time
Plan of Attack Do a keyword analysis Create readable pages Create keyworded pages Register with the search systems Let the search systems know where those pages are Get the search systems to include the pages in their indexes and directories Get other sites to link to your site
More to do Register with other places Register with the shopping indexes Use Pay Per Click. Create large amounts of content Go after links in a big way