Click to edit Master subtitle style MS ASE VAN RHEEDE VAN OUDSHOORN PETITION
TERMININATION AT THE AGE OF 65 Ms Van Rheede van Oudshoorn was appointed as a Administration Clerk with effect from 01 October 2000; She was stationed at Magistrate Office, Wakkerstroom; Her date of birth is 24 June 1945 On her appointment she was 55 years and 3 months old
TERMININATION AT THE AGE OF 65 Ms van Rheede van Oudshoorn reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 years on 24 June 2010; The Regional Office received a notice letter from the Office Manager indicating the last date of service She submitted all her duly completed retirement documents through the Office Manager to the HR in the Regional Office
TERMININATION AT THE AGE OF 65 A letter confirming her retirement benefits was issued to her; Termination was effected with effect from 30 June 2011; Pension documents were then forwarded National Treasury for implementation
TERMININATION AT THE AGE OF 65 Ms van Rheede van Oudshoorn was terminated on the correct date upon her reaching the age of 65( 30 June 2010) and the employer made its contributions as from 01 October 2000 until 30 June 2010 which totals to 9 years 9 months pensionable service.