Spatial interpolation of Daily temperatures using an advection scheme Kwang Soo Kim
Outline Introduction Weather data Spatial interpolation Natural neighbor Pseudo Advection Scheme Results Conclusions
Introduction Disease warning systems depend on weather data Site-specific weather estimates can be used as inputs to disease warning systems Site-specific estimates have been obtained using spatial interpolation
Sites of Interest Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) of National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Distributed over the USA. Represent various climate conditions. 53 % of SCAN stations were established after sites were included as validation sites
Neighbor stations The US National Climate Data Center (NCDC) Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) database Daily temperatures and precipitation Long term weather records are available Free access to the public
Site distribution On average, about 1600 neighbor stations were used for spatial interpolation
Spatial interpolation products DAYMET Daily estimates of weather variables Truncated Gaussian filter From 1980 to 2003 PRISM Monthly estimates of weather variables Various covariate variables are used Both products are based on National Weather Service (NWS) Cooperative Observers Network stations
Voronoi tessellation
Delaunay triangulation
Natural Neighbors Watson, 1999
Conventional VS Natural neighbor interpolation
Local coordinates Sukuma, 2003
Pseudo Advection Scheme Natural neighbor interpolation can be used to solve the partial differential equation (Sukuma, 2003). Advection scheme can be used for spatial interpolation ∂ /∂t + u· = 0
Daily minimum temperature Environmental Lapse RateEmpirical Lapse Rate R2 = Y = X RMSE = 3.55 R2 = Y = X RMSE = 3.60
DAYMET R2 = Y = X RMSE = 3.20
PAS Environmental Lapse Rate Empirical Lapse Rate R2 = Y = X RMSE = 2.96 R2 = 923 Y = X RMSE = %18%
Conventional VS PAS
Monthly temperature Environmental Lapse Rate Empirical Lapse Rate R2 = Y = X RMSE = 2.00 R2 = Y = X RMSE = 1.90
DAYMET and PRISM R2 = Y = X RMSE = 1.92 R2 = Y = X RMSE = 1.80
PAS R2 = Y = X RMSE = 1.89 R2 = Y = X RMSE = 1.99 Environmental Lapse Rate Empirical Lapse Rate
Conventional VS PAS
Conclusions PAS can improve accuracy of site- specific estimates of daily minimum temperature Natural neighbor interpolation can provide accurate estimates of monthly weather variables Accuracy of PAS/Natural Neighbor method can be improved when COOP data are used
What’s next Sub daily interpolation of weather data using PAS Advection scheme is better suited for sub daily data
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