1.It sell a certain software program and provide consulting services to companies. Value-added resellers System consultants Information system auditors
2.Under auditing standard, absence of disaster plan needs to de reported. No. 60No. 50No. 61
3. It provides assurance that an organization’s set of business risks is comprehensive and manageable? Electronic commerceInformation system reliabilityRisk assessment
4. It works to collect process, store, transform, and distribute information. SystemInformation systemFirm
5. It is the major distributor in the information age. Knowledge workersInternetEldercare plus
6. Includes inventory summaries and product cost analyses. ProductionMarketingHuman resources
7. It is a collection of data and processing procedures. It creates needed information for users. Accounting information systemManagement information systemManagerial accounting
8. Its objective is to provide relevant information to individuals and groups outside an organization’s boundaries. AuditingManagerial accountingFinancial accounting
9. It is a financial projection for the future and valuable managerial planning aid. AuditingTaxationBudgeting
10. Transaction are measured in monetary units. Financial accountingManagerial accountingCost accounting
11.Includes online privacy evaluations, security audits, testing the integrity of information processing systems CPA trust servicesHealth care performance measurementRisk assessment
12. It consist of interacting parts or components SystemInformation systemAccounting system
13. It includes sales, summary analyses, cost information and sales forecast. Human resourcesFinanceMarketing
14. Its objective is to provide relevant information to internal parties (or users). Cost accountingFinancial accountingManagerial accounting
15. It is a collection of data and processing procedures. Accounting information systemManagement information systemAccounting system