Test # 1 Introduction to Mental Health
Please take out your Thought for the Day. You may work on Day 3 when you are finished with the test. I will have that entry projected on the screen. Please put your binder away and get ready to take the test. If you go to the testing center, write a pass in your agenda and I will sign it, after I pass out the test you may leave to go to the testing center.
FIRST LINE LETTER DEFINITION On the very FIRST LINE, for each of the dimensions, write the LETTER that corresponds with the DEFINITION of that dimension. SECONDTHIRD LINES LETTEREXAMPLE On the SECOND and THIRD LINES write the LETTER that correspond with an EXAMPLE of that dimension. ___X___ definition ___Y___ example ___Z___ example Do the examples you know for sure first; then through the process of elimination complete the rest. Look for key word(s) that connect with that dimension.
What is the leading cause of death for all ages in the U.S.?
Set 1- Day 3 Does a person’s self esteem have anything to do with how a person acts?
Identify and explain the key components of mental health. Identify ways to protect one’s mental health. Define: persona. Explain what is meant by personal truth. Identify characteristics that describe what is meant by “emotionally bankrupt.”
Mental health is how you … think, feel and act look at yourself, your life and the people in your life… evaluate your options and make choices…
What you think. What you feel. How you act.
1. Thinking is…I’m a good person, I am kind, I can make friends… 2 Feeling is…I feel… loved, beautiful, smart…. ◦ 3. Action is…I will behave with respect, loving, friendly,
Mental Health is important because… It affects your relationships with others. It affects how you learn. It can lead to more harmful problems.
◦E◦Eat healthfully. ◦E◦Exercise adequately. ◦T◦Take time for yourself regularly. ◦L◦Learn to say “NO!” ◦G◦Get plenty of sleep. ◦ Manage stress in healthy ways. ◦K◦Know when and where to get help.
Good self-esteem Good knowledge Respectful of self and others Good problem- solver Healthy handling emotions Confidence Trustworthy Proud Positive thinker Good role model Good mental ability Does not follow the crowd Positive interactions Accepts themselves Flexible
Gives in to peer pressure Puts self and others down Low self-esteem Negative interactions Makes unhealthy decisions Low confidence Handles emotions negatively Not respectful Does not deal with stress well Follows the leader Negative outlook Feels hopeless Gets picked on
Listen to the lyrics of the song. What is the message in her song? Complete the answers to the following: ~What causes people to feel less than? ~What does this line mean… “Change the voices in your head; make them like you instead”?
Listen to the interview. Complete the worksheet for discussion.
Kindness Rude Immature Happy Lost Sad Shy Friendly Mean
She caused her mom to leave….because I’m not lovable, I’m fat, I’m a bad daughter, I’m not worth staying for. She stopped “feeling” so she ate sweets instead. She started to want to please everyone so they would love her.
What is your personal truth? Is your personal truth helping or hurting you?
1.) Depressed 2.) Self-hatred 3.) Disconnect 4.) Put up a wall. 5.) Internal Emotional Meltdown.
What would people write on your slate? What are you saying to yourself that makes you make the choices you make.
1.Choosing not to drink alcohol. 2.Choosing to abstain from sex. 3.Choosing not to use drugs 4.Choosing not to cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend. 5.Choosing not to cheat academically. 6.Choosing not to go to a party with alcohol. 7.Choosing to develop a healthy friendship. 8.Choosing to get involved in helping others, through community service or other worthy causes. 9.Choosing to evaluate consequences of risky situations. 10.Choosing to discuss and seek help for family problems.
Choose a character trait from your list of good mental health traits and write it on the line provided. Write the situation, that corresponds with the number written on your paper, on the line provided. Create two real-life situations. One example should be as if the person is practicing this character trait; the other example should be as if they are not practicing this character trait. Answer all of the corresponding questions. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.
If a person was practicing this character trait example…(trustworthy)…describe how the person would feel…how they would show/demonstrate this trait in that situation. Describe the person’s behavior. If a person was not practicing this character trait example…(trustworthy)…describe how the person would feel…how they would show/demonstrate this trait in that situation. Describe the person’s behavior.
Thoughts, feelings and actions have impact… Since you were a young child, you realized that your behavior had consequences. ◦ You touched a hot stove and were burned. ◦ You disobeyed a rule and were disciplined. It’s important to also realize that there are consequences to the way we think,feel and act.
◦ Play Learn to do something new and fun ◦ Know yourself Be attuned to your thoughts and feelings. Keep a journal. Recognize when “this just doesn’t seem like I usually think or act”. ◦ Say “no” sometimes. Don’t overbook your schedule or your life. Make time for quiet Turn off the cell phone, TV…
◦ Recognize warning signs in How you think, How you feel, How you act. ◦ Practice stress management and other self care strategies throughout life. ◦ Know when and where to get help. Get help as soon as you suspect you need it. Get help from a trained counselor or through a medical referral.